Vladimir Nabokov

NABOKV-L post 0014914, Thu, 15 Feb 2007 01:31:11 -0300

Re: QUERY: Andre Gide & VN
Dieter Zimmer wrote Re André Gide. The Gide reference in 'Pale Fire' is not to 'L'immoraliste' but to his travel diaries 'Voyage au Congo' and 'Retour du Tchad' (1927-28) which Nabokov must have known... Gide, he said, knew nothing of life but perhaps his descriptions of Arab youths aren't too bad, "a sort of candied fruit".

JM: Didn't VN also mention "La Symphonie Pastorale"? I have a vague recollection about finding it mentioned (either explicitly or only indirectly) in ADA.

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