Vladimir Nabokov

NABOKV-L post 0013506, Wed, 11 Oct 2006 13:41:53 -0400

JF responds on absentmindedness, puns, and botfly larvae
--- Andrew Brown <as-brown@COMCAST.NET> wrote:

> Dear Jansy,

> In writing to Jerry, I had no humorous intentions toward absent-minded
> seniors, which I think would be unkind. I defy anyone to display more
> absent-mindedness than me.

Maybe you and I should have a contest.

> My concern was a writerly feeling that Shade¹s
> versipel reference marked the start of a new series of imagery rather
> than
> the conclusion of the list of nouns attaching to being groomed, shod,
> and
> fed.

I might have been unclear. I don't think the versipel is the
conclusion. It sums up the series (no mathematical pun
intended)--the object in Shade's hand appears to change, so he
calls it a versipel.

(Speaking of puns, who of those talking about botflies and
mawkishness is intentionally making a pun?

("Main Entry: mawk•ish
Pronunciation: 'mo-kish
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English /mawke/ maggot, probably from Old
Norse /mathkr/ -- more at MAGGOT" --Merriam-Webster)

Jerry Friedman was once pointlessly worried that he had
a botfly larva in his skin.

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