Vladimir Nabokov

NABOKV-L post 0012068, Wed, 16 Nov 2005 20:16:01 -0800

Fwd: Juenger and VN
There was a "play" produced on this theme in Vienna (die Theater
Künstlerhaus) in July 2003 called "Jünger und Nabokov Jagen" (J & N
Hunting), by Robert Quitta, in which the work of the two
writer-scientists is juxtaposed. I did not see it, but a friend did and
brought me back a program. It includes a passage on Nabokov by Brian
Boyd (source not given) and one on Jünger by Jean-Michel Palmier; a page
each of scientific butterfly (various ) and of beetle (?)
images--sources not given. I have not seen the script or discussed it
with Mr. Quitta, but the program information says that "All texts are
taken from the works of Ernst Jünger and Vladimir Nabokov, with a few
supplements from other entomological sources." (My rough translation).
It does not suggest that the two knew each other. As Jünger died in 1998
aged about 103 years, there must be someone who knows whether he was
aware of Nabokov's lepidopterological work. I have not pursued it and
would be eager to hear more about this.

--Steve Blackwell
University of Tennessee

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