Vladimir Nabokov

NABOKV-L post 0012185, Tue, 6 Dec 2005 10:24:18 -0800

Fwd: Why leopard-spotted loincloth -> black bathing trunks ->
white tennis shor% ts ?
----- Forwarded message from profesor_kinbote@poczta.onet.pl -----
Date: Tue, 06 Dec 2005 18:50:13 +0100
From: profesor_kinbote@poczta.onet.pl
Reply-To: profesor_kinbote@poczta.onet.pl
Subject: Why leopard-spotted loincloth -> black bathing trunks -> white
tennis shor% ts ?
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<sorry for my bad english>

I have read recently (namely yesterday) this great, great
book "Pale Fire" and I noticed thing that I have not noticed
in time of about 10 previous lectures of it. Namely Gordon
clothes transforms from

"He had nothing on save a leopard-spotted loincloth. "

" and wiped his wet hands on his black bathing trunks."

and later to

"clothed in white tennis shorts,"

like tormentors in "Invitation to beheading",
Does anybody have idea why?

Tomasz Kaminski (also known as John Francis Shade)

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