Vladimir Nabokov

NABOKV-L post 0010213, Thu, 5 Aug 2004 09:53:24 -0700

Re: TT-9 (fwd) Mrs. Flankard's THE STAG. Jackie Collins' THE
> Since postings on TT-8 have wound down, let us move ob to TT-9.
> I have pondered for years over Mrs. Flankard's _The Stag_. I suspect it
> mocks some bestseller of the sixties--presumably a historical romance a la
> Kathleen Windsor's _Forever Amber_, a much earlier book though. Ideas?

Jackie Collins's THE STUD was first published in 1971,
ie (theoretically) in time for TT.

The Mrs Flankard episode, more seriously, reminds me of
Isaac Babel's short story 'GUY DE MAUPASSANT': young man
goes to rich woman's house to fix up her attempt at a
translation ... erotic atmosphere throughout, suggestions
of seduction &c
Peter Hayes
EDNOTE. One suspects an anagram or other wordplay here with the name
FLANKARD. Also a close check on the publication date of THE STUD vis-a-vis
VN's work on TT is not amiss.

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D. Barton Johnson