Vladimir Nabokov

NABOKV-L post 0009902, Mon, 21 Jun 2004 15:04:29 -0700

msnbc.com replies to Dmitri Nabokov's letter
----- Original Message -----
From: nabokov
To: 'D. Barton Johnson'
Sent: Monday, June 21, 2004 12:35 PM
Subject: FW: from msnbc.com

Dear Don,

I thought you might like to see this very courteous response from MSNBC to my slightly aggressive letter. Feel free to post both lettter and response.

As for Calabro, I suspected that the initial query was aimed partly, at least, in my direction. I had already thought about it, but without specific results. Ca
-----Original Message-----
From: Brew, Tom (MSNBCi) [mailto:Thomas.Brew@MSNBC.COM]
Sent: lundi, 21. juin 2004 19:14
To: darkbloom@bluewin.ch
Subject: from msnbc.com

Mr. Nabokov:

By way of introduction, I'm the executive editor at MSNBC.com. Today, we published your defense of Adrian Lyne's film on our letters page here -- http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4838957/. We did not edit it.

I must add that we're flattered you noticed our site and took the time to respond to our reviewer. It's rare that we receive such notes. Spam and political screeds are far more typical.

By the by, I heard you on NPR a year ago, have seen both versions of 'Lolita' and read nearly everything in your father's canon. I appreciate your defense of the family legacy.

Hoping this finds you well...

Thomas M. Brew