Vladimir Nabokov

NABOKV-L post 0007509, Fri, 31 Jan 2003 22:04:14 -0800

from Russian Gulch to pianitsa in how many moves? (fwd)
From: Eric Naiman <naiman@socrates.berkeley.edu>

I'm curious about the ending of the foreword to King, Queen, Knave and its
Russian translation. "Frog's heart -- as they say in Russian Gulch. And
Jingle Bells!" The translation by Gennady Barabtarlo and Vera Nabokov
reads "Serdechko liagushki" - kak govoriat v russkoi igre v "P'ianitsu."
A vot i bubenchiki na kolpake Dzokera!

The translators have done readers a service in providing a gloss in the
process of translating. They seem to be taking an obsolete word for
drunkard (gulch) and making "Russian gulch" into "russkaia igra v

Question -. Is pianitsa an actual card game? What sort? Is "serdechko
liagushki" an ace of hearts in Russian slang? If so, how widespread?
Does the game "pianitsa" appear elsewhere in Russian literature?

thanks for any help!
E. Naiman