VN Poems Translated
Enjoyed that little VN poem just newly translated. Say, I wonder,
could I ask other people to give their own different translations of the
same poem to get different takes on it? And this could apply to other newly
discovered VN poems. I mean Dante has been translated by many writers. It
could be a nice addition to the List. I don't know Russian, or I'd love to
take a crack at it. I mean a poem is short, not a novel, and would lend
itself to multiple translations.
Phil Iannarelli
Enjoyed that little VN poem just newly translated. Say, I wonder,
could I ask other people to give their own different translations of the
same poem to get different takes on it? And this could apply to other newly
discovered VN poems. I mean Dante has been translated by many writers. It
could be a nice addition to the List. I don't know Russian, or I'd love to
take a crack at it. I mean a poem is short, not a novel, and would lend
itself to multiple translations.
Phil Iannarelli