Vladimir Nabokov

NABOKV-L post 0005283, Wed, 5 Jul 2000 09:30:08 -0700

Re: Nabokov's Method of Writing and Literary Structure and
Content of His Books (fwd)
** He always used the 4x6s, as far as I know -- which makes sense since,
as many of us probably know from personal experience, 3x5s are often way
too small for any fragment of a sustained thought or narrative. GD**

From: Alice Lotvin Birney <ABIR@loc.gov>

The Nabokov file cards I have seen are 4x6 rather than 3x5.

Alice Lotvin Birney
American Literature Manuscript Historian
Manuscript Division, Library of Congress
Washington, D.C. 20540-4689
Tel: (202) 707-1090 Fax: (202) 707-6336

>>> Galya Diment <galya@u.washington.edu> 06/30 6:31 PM >>>
From: Iann88@aol.com

He wrote on those little file cards instead of straight through on
paper as
most writers do. Would not this method be conducive to constructing
elaborate games he plays in his books, especially Pale Fire, which
couldn't be written except by using note cards, which you can
shuffle around. Is there any study on this method of writing and how
effects content?

Phillip Iannarelli
Cleveland, Ohio