Vladimir Nabokov

NABOKV-L post 0004204, Tue, 22 Jun 1999 09:23:02 -0700

VN & Brooke-De la MAre (fwd)
Dear Galya,
Two things.
1. Do you have an real address for David Rutledge (Case Western Reserve)
who did an MLA paper in 1998? Somebody wants to know. He got his PhD

2. A bit of trivia.
I notice that at least one poem in Gornii put' that seems very Brookish
"V xrustal'nyi shar" (p. 482-3) was written in the Crimea
before VN would have seen Brooke's workD in England. Gene points out to
me that Vn's father could well have brought his son a Brooke volume back from his 1915
war visit to England.

Best, Don
P.S. Do you know of a good term paper service that could whack out a VN-De
la Mare paper for me at Cambridge?

D. Barton Johnson
Department of Germanic, Slavic and Semitic Studies
Phelps Hall
University of California at Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA 93106
Phone and Fax: (805) 687-1825
Home Phone: (805) 682-4618