Another _PF_ anagram (fwd)
EDITOR'S NOTE: Tom Sefrid's solution looks quite good to me. Comments?
From: Thomas Seifrid <>
Just reread (for my class on VN) your section on anagrams in *Pale Fire*.
Has anyone conjectured that "Kobaltana," in addition to its wonderful
chromatic associations, can be unscrambled to yield both "Nabok" [=the
progenitor, was he not, of the Nabokov line?] and "alta"--thus, perhaps,
"Alta Nabok." Wasn't it also in Alta, Utah (or Utana) that VN, as a recent
refugee from Extremist Europe, was given refuge (and butterfly opportunities)
in his first summer in the US? In any event, it would make an appropriate
site for buried treasure.
From: Thomas Seifrid <>
Just reread (for my class on VN) your section on anagrams in *Pale Fire*.
Has anyone conjectured that "Kobaltana," in addition to its wonderful
chromatic associations, can be unscrambled to yield both "Nabok" [=the
progenitor, was he not, of the Nabokov line?] and "alta"--thus, perhaps,
"Alta Nabok." Wasn't it also in Alta, Utah (or Utana) that VN, as a recent
refugee from Extremist Europe, was given refuge (and butterfly opportunities)
in his first summer in the US? In any event, it would make an appropriate
site for buried treasure.