Sighting? & NS#3 (fwd)
Regarding NS#3, I mentioned to Z.K. that my only criticism of the book is
that it is not 600 pgs. NS#s1,2,3 are all wonderful.
Nabokov sighting? I recently received an invitation --not to a beheading,
but-- to order the Encyclopedia Britannica. The opening sentence stopped me
in my tracks through my bulk mail with." Dear D. S., I've just finished
reading Nabokov's Despair. And while I enjoyed reading it, what I'm feeling
right now is despair." The rest of the letter goes on to promote the
Encyclopedia. Mentioning Nabokov in the opening line almost deserves my
money alone.
Darryl Schade (
Regarding NS#3, I mentioned to Z.K. that my only criticism of the book is
that it is not 600 pgs. NS#s1,2,3 are all wonderful.
Nabokov sighting? I recently received an invitation --not to a beheading,
but-- to order the Encyclopedia Britannica. The opening sentence stopped me
in my tracks through my bulk mail with." Dear D. S., I've just finished
reading Nabokov's Despair. And while I enjoyed reading it, what I'm feeling
right now is despair." The rest of the letter goes on to promote the
Encyclopedia. Mentioning Nabokov in the opening line almost deserves my
money alone.
Darryl Schade (