Nabokov issue of EUROPE
Christine Raguet-Bouvart (U. of Bordeaux) is preparing a special
Nabokov number of the French journal EUROPE. (One wonders if it is the
same EUROPE in which Sartre published his famous 1939 review of VN's
DESPAIR?---DBJ.) Although the issue is scheduled for next year, the table
of contents and advance ordering information are given below.
Subject: Magazine Issue / Europe
Revue "EUROPE" - NABOKOV Special Issue
To be published Spring 1995 (all articles in French)
approximate price: 60 French Francs (International Money order, International
Can be ordered separately from "Europe", 146 rue du Faubourg Poissonniere,
75010 - Paris, France.
-Introduction & Chronology : Christine Raguet-Bouvart
-Dmitri Nabokov: "On Revisiting Father's Room" (French translation by CRB)
-Pietro Citati, writer: "Le roman des gloses" (on "Pale Fire")
-Stephen Jan Parker: "Au cours de litterature russe du prof. VN..."
-D. Barton Johnson: "L'Inconnue de la Seine" et les naiades de VN
+ "L'Inconnue de la Seine" poeme de VN (trad. du russe)
+ illustration: masque de "L'Inconnue"
-Marie-Francoise Kempf, ecrivain: "Les yeux errants du voyageur"
-Bernard kreise: "Nabokov Critique"
+ "Ce que chacun doit savoir" (texte de VN sur Freud, 1931)
-Gerard Ch. Luquet, entomologiste, Museum d'Histoire naturelle de Paris:
"Les publications scientifiques de VN"
+"Lysandra cormion, un nouveau Rhopalocere europeen" (VN, 1941)
+illustration de Lysandra cormion par Vn
+ "A Discovery" poeme de VN (trad. de l'anglais)
-Suzanne Fraysse: "La creation de l'auteur"
-Ann-Deborah Levy-Bertherat: "Le dilemme du bilinguisme: Pnine ou
la metamorphose inachevee"
-Leona Toker: "The Ethics of narrative Camouflage in VN's fiction"
-Brian Boyd: "L'art et l'ardeur d'Ada"
-Ellen Pifer: "VN's discovery of America: from Russia to Lolita"
-Drury Pifer, ecrivain: VN's Theater: the World as Stage"
-Paul Braffort: physicien, membre de l'Oulipo: (On Chess)
"Nabokov Oulipien"
-Claude Berge, ecrivain: membre de l'Oulipo: (On Chess)
-Anthony Burgess, ecrivain: To VN on his 70th birthday" (trad. CRB)
-Jonathan Raban (in "Encounter")
-William Gass: (in Sat. Review of the Arts, trad. Claire maniez)
-INterview de VN, Mati Laansoo (VN Research Newsletter N10, Spring 83 trad CRB)
I'll have more to send later on ballet, Lysandra cormion & entomology
Christine Raguet-Bouvart (U. of Bordeaux) is preparing a special
Nabokov number of the French journal EUROPE. (One wonders if it is the
same EUROPE in which Sartre published his famous 1939 review of VN's
DESPAIR?---DBJ.) Although the issue is scheduled for next year, the table
of contents and advance ordering information are given below.
Subject: Magazine Issue / Europe
Revue "EUROPE" - NABOKOV Special Issue
To be published Spring 1995 (all articles in French)
approximate price: 60 French Francs (International Money order, International
Can be ordered separately from "Europe", 146 rue du Faubourg Poissonniere,
75010 - Paris, France.
-Introduction & Chronology : Christine Raguet-Bouvart
-Dmitri Nabokov: "On Revisiting Father's Room" (French translation by CRB)
-Pietro Citati, writer: "Le roman des gloses" (on "Pale Fire")
-Stephen Jan Parker: "Au cours de litterature russe du prof. VN..."
-D. Barton Johnson: "L'Inconnue de la Seine" et les naiades de VN
+ "L'Inconnue de la Seine" poeme de VN (trad. du russe)
+ illustration: masque de "L'Inconnue"
-Marie-Francoise Kempf, ecrivain: "Les yeux errants du voyageur"
-Bernard kreise: "Nabokov Critique"
+ "Ce que chacun doit savoir" (texte de VN sur Freud, 1931)
-Gerard Ch. Luquet, entomologiste, Museum d'Histoire naturelle de Paris:
"Les publications scientifiques de VN"
+"Lysandra cormion, un nouveau Rhopalocere europeen" (VN, 1941)
+illustration de Lysandra cormion par Vn
+ "A Discovery" poeme de VN (trad. de l'anglais)
-Suzanne Fraysse: "La creation de l'auteur"
-Ann-Deborah Levy-Bertherat: "Le dilemme du bilinguisme: Pnine ou
la metamorphose inachevee"
-Leona Toker: "The Ethics of narrative Camouflage in VN's fiction"
-Brian Boyd: "L'art et l'ardeur d'Ada"
-Ellen Pifer: "VN's discovery of America: from Russia to Lolita"
-Drury Pifer, ecrivain: VN's Theater: the World as Stage"
-Paul Braffort: physicien, membre de l'Oulipo: (On Chess)
"Nabokov Oulipien"
-Claude Berge, ecrivain: membre de l'Oulipo: (On Chess)
-Anthony Burgess, ecrivain: To VN on his 70th birthday" (trad. CRB)
-Jonathan Raban (in "Encounter")
-William Gass: (in Sat. Review of the Arts, trad. Claire maniez)
-INterview de VN, Mati Laansoo (VN Research Newsletter N10, Spring 83 trad CRB)
I'll have more to send later on ballet, Lysandra cormion & entomology