Vladimir Nabokov

NABOKV-L post 0000337, Wed, 14 Sep 1994 11:45:39 -0700

French Lolita and Query (fwd)
EDITORIAL NOTE: The following posting from Dieter Zimmer was one of three
reponses to Jeff Edmunds' query about the wording of the French
translation of LOLITA. I mention this as a good example of the underutilized
capability of NABOKV-L to supply quick answers to questions that come up
in reading VN. I hope one of our subscribers can answer Dieter Zimmer's
question below. DBJ

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: 13 Sep 94 03:14:18 EDT
From: Dieter E. Zimmer <100126.2576@compuserve.com>

1) In the 1959 French translation by E.H.Kahane, Maurice Girodias'
brother, the sentence reads (not quite correctly): "Un style image est la
marque du bon assassin." (Gallimard Biblos, p.478)

2) May I add a query concerning California? H.H. and Lolita visit "Works
of art collected by one Rogers over the years" (p.157), presumably
somewhere between Death Valley and Beverly Hills. Does anybody know the
whereabouts of this collection?
Dieter E.Zimmer, Hamburg