Vladimir Nabokov

NABOKV-L post 0000642, Tue, 11 Jul 1995 14:33:05 -0700

Some of you retrieve and save the monthly NABOKV-L LOG files, i.e., the
assembled NABOKV-L files for each month. These logs exist from February or
March 1993 to date. Once downloaded into your wordprocessor they are
machine-searchable--a considerable convenience.

Nabokov bibliographer, Michael Juliar, noticed that LOG9502 (Feb '95) was
defective. It cuts off at Feb. 5, although in fact messages run through
the 28th. I would note, BTW, that the log contains, inter alia, the
"Browning's Door at Wellesley" exchange that was reprinted in the current
NABOKOVIAN. Thanks to Michael Juliar the problem has been solved and I
have at hand the full 91K Feb. 1995 log. (The archive copy is still
defective.) If anyone would like a copy of that file, let me know in the
next couple of days, and I shall send it to you. Then I shall delete it
from my system.

D. Barton Johnson
Department of Germanic, Slavic and Semitic Studies
Phelps Hall
University of California at Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA 93106
Phone and Fax: (805) 687-1825
Home Phone: (805) 682-4618