Vladimir Nabokov

Red-Headed League in Lolita

By Alexey Sklyarenko, 27 July, 2023

The boy who debauches Lolita (the eponymous heroine of VN's novel, 1955) in Camp Q, Charlie Holmes (the camp-mistress's son) is a green-shirted, redheaded impish lad:


I reached my destination around half past two; parked my car in a pine grove where a green-shirted, redheaded impish lad stood throwing horseshoes in sullen solitude; was laconically directed by him to an office in a stucco cottage; in a dying state, had to endure for several minutes the inquisitive commiseration of the camp mistress, a sluttish worn out female with rusty hair. Dolly she said was all packed and ready to go. She knew her mother was sick but not critically. Would Mr. Haze, I mean, Mr. Humbert, care to meet the camp counselors? Or look at the cabins where the girls live? Each dedicated to a Disney creature? Or visit the Lodge? Or should Charlie be sent over to fetch her? The girls were just finishing fixing the Dining Room for a dance. (And perhaps afterwards she would say to somebody or other: “The poor guy looked like his own ghost.”) (1.27)


The camp-mistress's name, Shirley Holmes, hints at Sherlock Holmes (the main character in various stories by Conan Doyle). Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is the author of the 56 Sherlock Holmes short stories. According to Humbert Humbert, it took him 56 days (eight weeks) to write Lolita:


When I started, fifty-six days ago, to write Lolita, first in the psychopathic ward for observation, and then in this well-heated, albeit tombal, seclusion, I thought I would use these notes in toto at my trial, to save not my head, of course, but my soul. In mind-composition, however, I realized that I could not parade living Lolita. I still may use parts of this memoir in hermetic sessions, but publication is to be deferred. (2.36)

One of the 56 Sherlock Holmes short stories is The Red-Headed League (1891). Describing Lolita's classmates at Beardsley College, Humbert mentions Eva Rosen, a displaced little person from France who belongs to the great clan of intra-racial redheads:


Her girlfriends, whom I looked forward to meet, proved on the whole disappointing. There was Opal Something, and Linda Hall, and Avis Chapman, and Eva Rosen, and Mona Dahl (save one, all these names are approximations, of course). Opal was a bashful, formless, bespectacled, bepimpled creature who doted on Dolly who bullied her. With Linda Hall the school tennis champion, Dolly played singles at least twice a week: I suspect Linda was a true nymphet, but for some unknown reason she did not comewas perhaps not allowed to cometo our house; so I recall her only as a flash of natural sunshine on an indoor court. Of the rest, none had any claims to nymphetry except Eva Rosen. Avis ws a plump lateral child with hairy legs, while Mona, though handsome in a coarse sensual way and only a year older than my aging mistress, had obviously long ceased to be a nymphet, if she ever had been one. Eva Rosen, a displaced little person from France, was on the other hand a good example of a not strikingly beautiful child revealing to the perspicacious amateur some of the basic elements of nymphet charm, such as a perfect pubescent figure and lingering eyes and high cheekbones. Her glossy copper hair had Lolita’s silkiness, and the features of her delicate milky-white face with pink lips and silverfish eyelashes were less foxy than those of her likes - the great clan of intra-racial redheads; nor did she sport their green uniform but wore, as I remember her, a lot of black or cherry darka very smart black pullover, for instance, and high-heeled black shoes, and garnet-red fingernail polish. I spoke French to her (much to Lo’s disgust). The child’s tonalities were still admirably pure, but for school words and play words she resorted to current American and then a slight Brooklyn accent would crop up in her speech, which was amusing in a little Parisian who went to a select New England school with phoney British aspirations. Unfortunately, despite “that French kid’s uncle” being “a millionaire,” Lo dropped Eva for some reason before I had had time to enjoy in my modest way her fragrant presence in the Humbert open house. The reader knows what importance I attached to having a bevy of page girls, consolation prize nymphets, around my Lolita. For a while, I endeavored to interest my senses in Mona Dahl who was a good deal around, especially during the spring term when Lo and she got so enthusiastic about dramatics. I have often wondered what secrets outrageously treacherous Dolores Haze had imparted to Mona while blurting out to me by urgent and well-paid request various really incredible details concerning an affair that Mona had had with a marine at the seaside. It was characteristic of Lo that she chose for her closest chum that elegant, cold, lascivious, experienced young female whom I once heard (misheard, Lo swore) cheerfully say in the hallway to Lo - who had remarked that her (Lo’s) sweater was of virgin wool: “The only thing about you that is, kiddo…” She had a curiously husky voice, artificially waved dull dark hair, earrings, amber-brown prominent eyes and luscious lips. Lo said teachers had remonstrated with her on her loading herself with so much costume jewelry. Her hands trembled. She was burdened with a 150 I. Q. And I also knew she had a tremendous chocolate-brown mole on he womanish back which I inspected the night Lo and she had worn low-cut pastel-colored, vaporous dresses for a dance at the Butler Academy. (2.9)


When Humbert and Lolita play tennis in a Colorado resort between Snow and Elphinstone, a red-haired fellow (Bill Mead) and his girlfriend (Fay Page, actress) join them:


Two people in tennis shorts, a red-haired fellow only about eight years my junior, and an indolent dark girl with a moody mouth and hard eyes, about two years Lolita’s senior, appeared from nowhere. As is common with dutiful tyros, their rackets were sheathed and framed, and they carried them not as if they were the natural and comfortable extensions of certain specialized muscles, but hammers or blunderbusses or whimbles, or my own dreadful cumbersome sins. Rather unceremoniously seating themselves near my precious coat, on a bench adjacent to the court, they fell to admiring very vocally a rally of some fifty exchanges that Lo innocently helped me to foster and uphold - until there occurred a syncope in the series causing her to gasp as her overhead smash went out of court, whereupon she melted into winsome merriment, my golden pet.

I felt thirsty by then, and walked to the drinking fountain; there Red approached me and in all humility suggested a mixed double. “I am Bill Mead,” he said. “And that’s Fay Page, actress. Maffy On Say”- he added (pointing with his ridiculously hooded racket at polished Fay who was already talking to Dolly). I was about to reply “Sorry, but” (for I hate to have my filly involved in the chops and jabs of cheap bunglers), when a remarkably melodious cry diverted my attention: a bellboy was tripping down the steps from the hotel to our court and making me signs. I was wanted, if you please, on an urgent long distance call - so urgent in fact that the line was being held for me. Certainly. I got into my coat (inside pocket heavy with pistol) and told Lo I would be back in a minute. She was picking up a ball - in the continental foot-racket way which was one of the few nice things I had taught her, and smiled - she smiled at me! (2.20)


When Humbert visits Lolita (who was abducted by Clare Quilty from the Elphinstone hospital and is now married to Dick Schiller) in Coalmont, she tells him that Duk Duk Ranch to which Quilty took her belonged to Red's brother:


She took from the mantelpiece a concave glossy snapshot. Old woman in white, stout, beaming, bowlegged, very short dress; old man in his shirtsleeves, drooping mustache, watch chain. Her in-laws. Living with Dick’s brother’s family in Juneau.

“Sure you don’t want to smoke?”

She was smoking herself. First time I saw her doing it. Streng verboten under Humbert the Terrible. Gracefully, in a blue mist, Charlotte Haze rose from her grave. I would find him through Uncle Ivory if she refused.

“Betrayed you? No.” She directed the dart of her cigarette, index rapidly tapping upon it, toward the hearth exactly as her mother used to do, and then, like her mother, oh my God, with her fingernail scratched and removed a fragment of cigarette paper from her underlip. No. She had not betrayed me. I was among friends. Edusa had warned her that Cue liked little girls, had been almost jailed once, in fact (nice fact), and he knew she knew. Yes… Elbow in palm, puff, smile, exhaled smoke, darting gesture. Waxing reminiscent. He saw - smiling - through everything and everybody, because he was not like me and her but a genius. A great guy. Full of fun. Had rocked with laughter when she confessed about me and her, and said he had thought so. It was quite safe, under the circumstances, to tell him…

Well, Cue - they all called him Cue.

Her camp five years ago. Curious coincidence… took her to a dude ranch about a day’s drive from Elephant (Elphinstone). Named? Oh, some silly name - Duk Duk Ranch you know just plain silly but it did not matter now, anyway, because the place had vanished and disintegrated. Really, she meant, I could not imagine how utterly lush that ranch was, she meant it had everything but everything, even an indoor waterfall. Did I remember the red-haired guy we (“we” was good) had once had some tennis with? Well, the place really belonged to Red’s brother, but he had turned it over to Cue for the summer. When Cue and she came, the others had them actually go through a coronation ceremony and then a terrific ducking, as when you cross the Equator. You know.

Her eyes rolled in synthetic resignation.

“Go on, please.”

Well. The idea was he would take her in September to Hollywood and arrange a tryout for her, a bit part in the tennis-match scene of a movie picture based on a play of his Golden Guts and perhaps even have her double one of its sensational starlets on the Klieg-struck tennis court. Alas, it never came to that.

“Where is the hog now?”

He was not a hog. He was a great guy in many respects. But it was all drink and drugs. And, of course, he was a complete freak in sex matters, and his friends were his slaves. I just could not imagine (I, Humbert, could not imagine!) what they all did at Duk Duk Ranch. She refused to take part because she loved him, and he threw her out.

“What things?”

“Oh, weird, filthy, fancy things. I mean, he had two girls and tow boys, and three or four men, and the idea was for all of us to tangle in the nude while an old woman took movie pictures.” (Sade’s Justine was twelve at the start.)

“What things exactly?”

“Oh, things… Oh, I - really I” - she uttered the “I” as a subdued cry while she listened to the source of the ache, and for lack of words spread the five fingers of her angularly up-and-down-moving hand. No, she gave it up, she refused to go into particulars with that baby inside her.

That made sense.

“It is of no importance now,” she said pounding a gray cushing with her fist and then lying back, belly up, on the divan. “Crazy things, filthy things. I said no, I’m just not going to [she used, in all insouciance really, a disgusting slang term which, in a literal French translation, would be souffler] your beastly boys, because I want only you. Well, he kicked me out.”

There was not much else to tell. That winter 1949, Fay and she had found jobs. For almost two years she had - oh, just drifted, oh, doing some restaurant work in small places, and then she had met Dick. No, she did not know where the other was. In New York, she guessed. Of course, he was so famous she would have found him at once if she had wanted. Fay had tried to get back to the Ranch - and it just was not there any more - it had burned to the ground, nothing remained, just a charred heap of rubbish. It was so strange, so strange. (2.29)


The ranch's name seems to hint at Duka, Maxim Gorki's household name mentioned by Hodasevich in his memoir essay Zavtrak v Sorrento ("A Breakfast in Sorrento," 1938):


Дука - домашнее прозвище Горького. По этому поводу позволю себе сделать небольшое отступление. В эпоху первой эмиграции, когда Горький жил не в Сорренто, а на Капри, его тогдашняя жена М.Ф. Андреева старалась создать легенду вокруг него. Домашней прислуге, лодочникам, рыбакам, бродячим музыкантам, мелким торговцам и тому подобной публике она рассказала, что она - русская герцогиня, дукесса, которую свирепый царь изгнал из России за то, что она вышла замуж за простого рабочего - Максима Горького. Эта легенда до крайности чаровала романтическое воображение каприйской и неаполитанской улицы, тем более что Андреева разбрасывала чаевые с чисто герцогской щедростью. Таким образом, местная популярность Горького не имела ничего общего с представлением о нем как о писателе, буревестнике, певце пролетариата и т.д. В сущности, она была даже для него компроментарна, потому что им восхищались как ловким парнем, который сумел устроиться при богачке, да еще герцогине, да еще красавице. Все это рассказывал мне Максим, который терпеть не мог свою мачеху. Думаю, что отсюда же возникло и прозвище Дука, то есть герцог. Возможно, впрочем, что оно имело иное происхождение.


The penname Горький (Gorki) means "bitter" and ends in кий (cue). In his memoir essay Gorki (1936) Bunin describes his first meeting with Aleksey Peshkov (Gorki's real name) in Yalta, in the spring of 1899 (VN was born on April 23, 1899), and says that Gorki was a tall read-headed fellow with greenish eyes and freckled snub nose:


Как раз к этой поре и относятся мои первые сведения о нем; в Полтаве, куда я тогда приезжал порой, прошел вдруг слух: «Под Кобеляками поселился молодой писатель Горький. Фигура удивительно красочная. Ражий детина в широчайшей крылатке, в шляпе вот с этакими полями и с пудовой суковатой дубинкой в руке...» А познакомились мы с Горьким весной 99-го года. Приезжаю в Ялту, - иду как-то по набережной и вижу: навстречу идет с кем-то Чехов, закрывается газетой, не то от солнца, не то от этого кого-то, идущего рядом с ним, что-то басом гудящего и все время высоко взмахивающего руками из своей крылатки. Здороваюсь с Чеховым, он говорит: «Познакомьтесь, Горький». Знакомлюсь, гляжу и убеждаюсь, что в Полтаве описывали его отчасти правильно: и крылатка, и вот этакая шляпа, и дубинка. Под крылаткой желтая шелковая рубаха, подпоясанная длинным и толстым шелковым жгутом кремового цвета, вышитая разноцветными шелками по подолу и вороту. Только не детина и не ражий, а просто высокий и несколько сутулый, рыжий парень с зеленоватыми, быстрыми и уклончивыми глазками, с утиным носом в веснушках, с широкими ноздрями и желтыми усиками, которые он, покашливая, все поглаживает большими пальцами: немножко поплюет на них и погладит. Пошли дальше, он закурил, крепко затянулся и тотчас же опять загудел и стал взмахивать руками. Быстро выкурив папиросу, пустил в ее мундштук слюны, чтобы загасить окурок, бросил его и продолжал говорить, изредка быстро взглядывая на Чехова, стараясь уловить его впечатление. Говорил он громко, якобы от всей души, с жаром и все образами и все с героическими восклицаниями, нарочито грубоватыми, первобытными. Это был бесконечно длинный и бесконечно скучный рассказ о каких-то волжских богачах из купцов и мужиков, - скучный прежде всего по своему однообразию гиперболичности, - все эти богачи были совершенно былинные исполины, - а кроме того, и по неумеренности образности и пафоса. Чехов почти не слушал. Но Горький все говорил и говорил...