Vladimir Nabokov

extract of scarlet aril & flesh of yew in Ada

By Alexey Sklyarenko, 18 December, 2023

In one of her letters to Van (written after Van left Ardis forever) Ada mentions an extract of scarlet aril, the flesh of yew, just only yew:


[California? 1890]

I love only you, I’m happy only in dreams of you, you are my joy and my world, this is as certain and real as being aware of one’s being alive, but... oh, I don’t accuse you! — but, Van, you are responsible (or Fate through you is responsible, ce qui revient au même) of having let loose something mad in me when we were only children, a physical hankering, an insatiable itch. The fire you rubbed left its brand on the most vulnerable, most vicious and tender point of my body. Now I have to pay for your rasping the red rash too strongly, too soon, as charred wood has to pay for burning. When I remain without your caresses, I lose all control of my nerves, nothing exists any more than the ecstasy of friction, the abiding effect of your sting, of your delicious poison. I do not accuse you, but this is why I crave and cannot resist the impact of alien flesh; this is why our joint past radiates ripples of boundless betrayals. All this you are free to diagnose as a case of advanced erotomania, but there is more to it, because there exists a simple cure for all my maux and throes and that is an extract of scarlet aril, the flesh of yew, just only yew. Je réalise, as your sweet Cinderella de Torf (now Madame Trofim Fartukov) used to say, that I’m being coy and obscene. But it all leads up to an important, important suggestion! Van, je suis sur la verge (Blanche again) of a revolting amorous adventure. I could be instantly saved by you. Take the fastest flying machine you can rent straight to El Paso, your Ada will be waiting for you there, waving like mad, and we’ll continue, by the New World Express, in a suite I’ll obtain, to the burning tip of Patagonia, Captain Grant’s Horn, a Villa in Verna, my jewel, my agony. Send me an aerogram with one Russian word — the end of my name and wit. (2.1)


Darkbloom ('Notes to Ada'): ce qui etc.: which amounts to the same thing.

maux: aches.

aril: coating of certain seeds.

Grant etc.: Jules Verne in Captain Grant’s Children has ‘agonie’ (in a discovered message) turn out to be part of ‘Patagonie’.


An extract of scarlet aril brings to mind Conan Doyle's novel A Study in Scarlet (1887), the very first Sherlock Holmes mystery. Coating of certain seeds, aril makes one think of Conan Doyle's story The Five Orange Pips (1891). The characters in Ada (1969) include Ronald Oranger (old Van's secretary, the Editor of Ada) and Violet Knox (old Van's typist whom Ada calls Fialochka, 'little Violet," and who marries Ronald Oranger after Van's and Ada's death). Violet Hunter is a character in Conan Doyle's story The Adventure of the Copper Beeches (1892). An English Catholic priest and author of several detective novels, Ronald Arbuthnott Knox (1888-1957) is the author of Studies in the Literature of Sherlock Holmes (1912). Because love is blind, Van fails to see that Ronald Oranger and Violet Knox are Ada's grandchildren.


In Conan Doyle's novel The Hound of the Baskervilles (1902) Dr Mortimer tells Holmes that Sir Charles Baskerville was found dead in the yew alley of his estate, Baskerville Hall, on Dartmoor. The novel's antagonist, Jack Stapleton is an entomologist. Stapleton's sister Beryl (with whom Sir Henry Baskerville falls in love) turns out to be his wife. According to Dorothy Vinelander (Ada's sister-in-law), in her deathbed delirium Marina (Van's, Ada's and Lucette's mother) was obsessed by two delusions, which mutually excluded each other — that Van was married to Ada and that they were brother and sister:


‘How did you like my brother?’ asked Dorothy. ‘On redchayshiy chelovek (he’s, a most rare human being). I can’t tell you how profoundly affected he was by the terrible death of your father, and, of course, by Lucette’s bizarre end. Even he, the kindest of men, could not help disapproving of her Parisian sans-gêne, but he greatly admired her looks — as I think you also did — no, no, do not negate it! — because, as I have always said, her prettiness seemed to complement Ada’s, the two halves forming together something like perfect beauty, in the Platonic sense’ (that cheerless smile again). ‘Ada is certainly a "perfect beauty," a real muirninochka — even when she winces like that — but she is beautiful only in our little human terms, within the quotes of our social esthetics — right, Professor? — in the way a meal or a marriage or a little French tramp can be called perfect.’

‘Drop her a curtsey,’ gloomily remarked Van to Ada.

‘Oh, my Adochka knows how devoted I am to her’ — (opening her palm in the wake of Ada’s retreating hand). ‘I’ve shared all her troubles. How many podzharïh (tight-crotched) cowboys we’ve had to fire because they delali ey glazki (ogled her)! And how many bereavements we’ve gone through since the new century started! Her mother and my mother; the Archbishop of Ivankover and Dr Swissair of Lumbago (where mother and I reverently visited him in 1888); three distinguished uncles (whom, fortunately, I hardly knew); and your father, who, I’ve always maintained, resembled a Russian aristocrat much more than he did an Irish Baron. Incidentally, in her deathbed delirium — you don’t mind, Ada, if I divulge to him ces potins de famille? — our splendid Marina was obsessed by two delusions, which mutually excluded each other — that you were married to Ada and that you and she were brother and sister, and the clash between those two ideas caused her intense mental anguish. How does your school of psychiatry explain that kind of conflict?’

‘I don’t attend school any longer,’ said Van, stifling a yawn; ‘and, furthermore, in my works, I try not to "explain" anything, I merely describe.’

‘Still, you cannot deny that certain insights —’ (3.8)


Darkbloom ('Notes to Ada'): muirninochka: Hiberno-Russian caressive term.

potins de famille: family gossip.


To air his feelings after he was rejected by Marina, Daniel Veen (the father of Van's and Ada's half-sister Lucette) set off in a counter-Fogg direction on a triple trip round the globe:


Poor Dan’s erotic life was neither complicated nor beautiful, but somehow or other (he soon forgot the exact circumstances as one forgets the measurements and price of a fondly made topcoat worn on and off for at least a couple of seasons) he fell comfortably in love with Marina, whose family he had known when they still had their Raduga place (later sold to Mr Eliot, a Jewish businessman). One afternoon in the spring of 1871, he proposed to Marina in the Up elevator of Manhattan’s first ten-floor building, was indignantly rejected at the seventh stop (Toys), came down alone and, to air his feelings, set off in a counter-Fogg direction on a triple trip round the globe, adopting, like an animated parallel, the same itinerary every time. In November 1871, as he was in the act of making his evening plans with the same smelly but nice cicerone in a café-au-lait suit whom he had hired already twice at the same Genoese hotel, an aerocable from Marina (forwarded with a whole week’s delay via his Manhattan office which had filed it away through a new girl’s oversight in a dove hole marked RE AMOR) arrived on a silver salver telling him she would marry him upon his return to America. (1.1)


Darkbloom ('Notes to Ada'): Mr Eliot: we shall meet him again, on pages 361 and 396, in company of the author of ‘The Waistline’ and ‘Agonic Lines’.

Counter-Fogg: Phileas Fogg, Jules Verne’s globetrotter, travelled from West to East.


In VN's novel Zashchita Luzhina ("The Luzhin Defense," 1930) Sherlock Holmes is paired with Phileas Fogg, the hero of Jules Verne's novel Around the World in Eighty Days (1872):


Были и книги. Книги, сочиненные отцом, в золото-красных, рельефных обложках, с надписью от руки на первой странице: "Горячо надеюсь, что мой сын всегда будет относиться к животным и людям так, как Антоша",- и большой восклицательный знак. Или: "Эту книгу я писал, думая о твоем будущем, мой сын". Эти надписи вызывали в нем смутный стыд за отца, а самые книжки были столь же скучны, как "Слепой музыкант" или "Фрегат Паллада". Большой том Пушкина, с портретом толстогубого курчавого мальчика, не открывался никогда. Зато были две книги - обе, подаренные ему тетей,- которые он полюбил на всю жизнь, держал в памяти, словно под увеличительным стеклом, и так страстно пережил, что через двадцать лет, снова их перечитав, он увидел в них только суховатый пересказ, сокращенное издание, как будто они отстали от того неповторимого, бессмертного образа, который они в нем оставили. Но не жажда дальних странствий заставляла его следовать по пятам Филеаса Фогга и не ребячливая склонность к таинственным приключениям влекла его в дом на Бэкер-стрит, где, впрыснув себе кокаину, мечтательно играл на скрипке долговязый сыщик с орлиным профилем. Только гораздо позже он сак себе уяснил, чем так волновали его эти две книги: правильно и безжалостно развивающийся узор,- Филеас, манекен в цилиндре, совершающий свой сложный изящный путь с оправданными жертвами, то на слоне, купленном за миллион, то на судне, которое нужно наполовину сжечь на топливо; и Шерлок, придавший логике прелесть грезы, Шерлок, составивший монографию о пепле всех видов сигар, и с этим пеплом, как с талисманом, пробирающийся сквозь хрустальный лабиринт возможных дедукций к единственному сияющему выводу. Фокусник, которого на Рождестве пригласили его родители, каким-то образом слил в себе на время Фогга и Холмса, и странное наслаждение, испытанное им в тот день, сгладило все то неприятное, что сопровождало выступление фокусника.

There were also books. Books written by his father, with red and gold embossed bindings and a handwritten inscription on the first page: I earnestly hope that my son will always treat animals and people the same way as Tony, and a big exclamation mark. Or: I wrote this book thinking of your future, my son. These inscriptions inspired in him a vague feeling of shame for his father, and the books themselves were as boring as Korolenko’s The Blind Musician or Goncharov’s The Frigate Pallas. A large volume of Pushkin with a picture of a thick-lipped, curly-haired boy on it was never opened. On the other hand there were two books, both given him by his aunt, with which he had fallen in love for his whole life, holding them in his memory as if under a magnifying glass, and experiencing them so intensely that twenty years later, when he read them over again, he saw only a dryisli paraphrase, an abridged edition, as if they had been outdistanced by the unrepeatable, immortal image that he had retained. But it was not a thirst for distant peregrinations that forced him to follow on the heels of Phileas Fogg, nor was it a boyish inclination for mysterious adventures that drew him to that house on Baker Street, where the lanky detective with the hawk profile, having given himself an injection of cocaine, would dreamily play the violin. Only much later did he clarify in his own mind what it was that had thrilled him so about these two books; it was that exact and relentlessly unfolding pattern: Phileas, the dummy in the top hat, wending his complex elegant way with its justifiable sacrifices, now on an elephant bought for a million, now on a ship of which half has to be burned for fuel; and Sherlock endowing logic with the glamour of a daydream, Sherlock composing a monograph on the ash of all known sorts of cigars and with this ash as with a talisman progressing through a crystal labyrinth of possible deductions to the one radiant conclusion. The conjuror whom his parents engaged to perform on Christmas day somehow managed to blend in himself briefly both Fogg and Holmes, and the strange pleasure which Luzhin experienced on that day obliterated all the unpleasantness that accompanied the performance. (Chapter Two)


In her letter to Van Ada mentions a Villa in Verna (Faithful in Russian). In Conan Doyle's story The Adventure of the Greek Interpreter (1893) Holmes tells Watson that his grandmother was the sister of Vernet, the French artist:


“In your own case,” said I, “from all that you have told me, it seems obvious that your faculty of observation and your peculiar facility for deduction are due to your own systematic training.”

“To some extent,” he answered, thoughtfully. “My ancestors were country squires, who appear to have led much the same life as is natural to their class. But, none the less, my turn that way is in my veins, and may have come with my grandmother, who was the sister of Vernet, the French artist. Art in the blood is liable to take the strangest forms.”


See also my post of Feb. 9, 2021, "Rajah of Cachou & extract of scarlet aril in Ada" (https://thenabokovian.org/node/52515)