In his commentary to Shade’s poem Kinbote (in VN’s novel Pale Fire, 1962, Shade’s mad commentator who imagines that he is Charles the Beloved, the last self-exiled king of Zembla) quotes Arnor’s poem about a miragarl (mirage girl), for whose "careful jewels" a dream king in the sandy wastes of time would give tri stana verbalala (three hundred camels) ut tri phantana (and three fountains):
Our Prince was fond of Fleur as of a sister but with no soft shadow of incest or secondary homosexual complications. She had a small pale face with prominent cheekbones, luminous eyes, and curly dark hair. It was rumored that after going about with a porcelain cup and Cinderella's slipper for months, the society sculptor and poet Arnor had found in her what he sought and had used her breasts and feet for his Lilith Calling Back Adam; but I am certainly no expert in these tender matters. Otar, her lover, said that when you walked behind her, and she knew you were walking behind her, the swing and play of those slim haunches was something intensely artistic, something Arab girls were taught in special schools by special Parisian panders who were afterwards strangled. Her fragile ankles, he said, which she placed very close together in her dainty and wavy walk, were the "careful jewels" in Arnor's poem about a miragarl ("mirage girl"), for which "a dream king in the sandy wastes of time would give three hundred camels and three fountains."
On ságaren werém tremkín tri stána
Verbálala wod gév ut trí phantána
(I have marked the stress accents).
The Prince did not heed this rather kitschy prattle (all, probably, directed by her mother) and, let it be repeated, regarded her merely as a sibling, fragrant and fashionable, with a painted pout and a maussade, blurry, Gallic way of expressing the little she wished to express. Her unruffled rudeness toward the nervous and garrulous Countess amused him. He liked dancing with her - and only with her. He hardly squirmed at all when she stroked his hand or applied herself soundlessly with open lips to his cheek which the haggard after-the-ball dawn had already sooted. She did not seem to mind when he abandoned her for manlier pleasures; and she met him again in the dark of a car or in the half-glow of a cabaret with the subdued and ambiguous smile of a kissing cousin.
The forty days between Queen Blenda's death and his coronation was perhaps the most trying stretch of time in his life. He had had no love for his mother, and the hopeless and helpless remorse he now felt degenerated into a sickly physical fear of her phantom. The Countess, who seemed to be near him, to be rustling at his side, all the time, had him attend table-turning séances with an experienced American medium, séances at which the Queen's spirit, operating the same kind of planchette she had used in her lifetime to chat with Thormodus Torfaeus and A. R. Wallace, now briskly wrote in English: "Charles take take cherish love flower flower flower." An old psychiatrist so thoroughly bribed by the Countess as to look, even on the outside, like a putrid pear, assured him that his vices had subconsciously killed his mother and would continue "to kill her in him" if he did not renounce sodomy. A palace intrigue is a special spider that entangles you more nastily at every desperate jerk you try. Our Prince was young, inexperienced, and half-frenzied with insomnia. He hardly struggled at all. The Countess spent a fortune on buying his kamergrum (groom of the chamber), his bodyguard, and even the greater part of the Court Chamberlain. She took to sleeping in a small antechamber next to his bachelor bedroom, a splendid spacious circular apartment at the top of the high and massive South West Tower. This had been his father's retreat and was still connected by a jolly chute in the wall with a round swimming pool in the hall below, so that the young Prince could start the day as his father used to start it by slipping open a panel beside his army cot and rolling into the shaft whence he whizzed down straight into bright water. For other needs than sleep Charles Xavier had installed in the middle of the Persian rug-covered floor a so-called patifolia, that is, a huge, oval, luxuriously flounced, swansdown pillow the size of a triple bed. It was in this ample nest that Fleur now slept, curled up in its central hollow, under a coverlet of genuine giant panda fur that had just been rushed from Tibet by a group of Asiatic well-wishers on the occasion of his ascension to the throne. The antechamber, where the Countess was ensconced, had its own inner staircase and bathroom, but also communicated by means of a sliding door with the West Gallery. I do not know what advice or command her mother had given Fleur; but the little thing proved a poor seducer. She kept trying, as one quietly insane, to mend a broken viola d'amore or sat in dolorous attitudes comparing two ancient flutes, both sad-tuned and feeble. Meantime, in Turkish garb, he lolled in his father's ample chair, his legs over its arm, flipping through a volume of Historia Zemblica, copying out passages and occasionally fishing out of the nether recesses of his seat a pair of old-fashioned motoring goggles, a black opal ring, a ball of silver chocolate wrapping, or the star of a foreign order.
It was warm in the evening sun. She wore on the second day of their ridiculous cohabitation nothing except a kind of buttonless and sleeveless pajama top. The sight of her four bare limbs and three mousepits (Zemblan anatomy) irritated him, and while pacing about and pondering his coronation speech, he would toss towards her, without looking, her shorts or a terrycloth robe. Sometimes, upon returning to the comfortable old chair he would find her in it contemplating sorrowfully the picture of a bogtur (ancient warrior) in the history book. He would sweep her out of his chair, his eyes still on his writing pad, and stretching herself she would move over to the window seat and its dusty sunbeam; but after a while she tried to cuddle up to him, and he had to push away her burrowing dark curly head with one hand while writing with the other or detach one by one her little pink claws from his sleeve or sash.
Her presence at night did not kill insomnia, but at least kept at bay the strong ghost of Queen Blenda. Between exhaustion and drowsiness, he trifled with paltry fancies, such as getting up and pouring out a little cold water from a decanter onto Fleur's naked shoulder so as to extinguish upon it the weak gleam of a moonbeam. Stentoriously the Countess snored in her lair. And beyond the vestibule of his vigil (here he began falling asleep), in the dark cold gallery, lying all over the painted marble and piled three or four deep against the locked door, some dozing, some whimpering, were his new boy pages, a whole mountain of gift boys from Troth, and Tuscany, and Albanoland.
He awoke to find her standing with a comb in her hand before his - or rather, his grandfather's - cheval glass, a triptych of bottomless light, a really fantastic mirror, signed with a diamond by its maker, Sudarg of Bokay. She turned about before it: a secret device of reflection gathered an infinite number of nudes in its depths, garlands of girls in graceful and sorrowful groups, diminishing in the limpid distance, or breaking into individual nymphs, some of whom, she murmured, must resemble her ancestors when they were young - little peasant garlien combing their hair in shallow water as far as the eye could reach, and then the wistful mermaid from an old tale, and then nothing. (note to Line 80)
The Russian word for 'mirror' is zerkalo (accented on the first syllable). Plural of zerkalo is zerkala (accented on the ultima). Zerkalala (a word that does not exist in Russian) makes one think of verbalala, camels in Zemblan.
A porcelain cup and Cinderella's slipper with which the society sculptor and poet Arnor had been going about for months before he found in Fleur de Fyler the model for his Lilith Calling Back Adam brings to mind Zolushka (Cinderella) mentioned by G. Ivanov in his poem O, dusga moya, moglo li byt' inache ("O my soul, could it be otherwise"):
О, душа моя, могло ли быть иначе.
Разве ты ждала, что жизнь тебя простит?
Это только в сказках: Золушка заплачет,
Добрый лес зашелестит…
Все-таки, душа, не будь неблагодарной,
Все-таки не плачь… Над темным миром зла
Высоко сиял венец звезды полярной,
И жестокой, чистой, грозной, лучезарной
Смерть твоя была.
Drug druga otrazhayut zerkala ("The mirrors reflect each other") is a poem by G. Ivanov:
Друг друга отражают зеркала,
Взаимно искажая отраженья.
Я верю не в непобедимость зла,
А только в неизбежность пораженья.
Не в музыку, что жизнь мою сожгла,
А в пепел, что остался от сожженья.
Игра судьбы. Игра добра и зла.
Игра ума. Игра воображенья.
«Друг друга отражают зеркала,
Взаимно искажая отраженья…»
Мне говорят — ты выиграл игру!
Но все равно. Я больше не играю.
Допустим, как поэт я не умру,
Зато как человек я умираю.
The rhyme igrayu - umirayu (I play - I die) in the sceond poem's last stanza makes one think of "We play, we die: ig-rhyme, umi-rhyme" in VN's story That in Aleppo Once (1943):
DEAR V. - Among other things, this is to tell you that at last I am here, in the country whither so many sunsets have led. One of the first persons I saw was our good old Gleb Alexandrovich Gekko gloomily crossing Columbus Avenue in quest of the petit cafe du coin which none of us three will ever visit again. He seemed to think that somehow or other you were betraying our national literature, and he gave me your address with a deprecatory shake of his gray head, as if you did not deserve the treat of hearing from me.
I have a story for you. Which reminds me - I mean putting it like this reminds me - of the days when we wrote our first udder-warm bubbling verse, and all things, a rose, a puddle, a lighted window, cried out to us: "I'm a rhyme!" Yes, this is a most useful universe. We play, we die: ig-rhyme, umi-rhyme. And the sonorous souls of Russian verbs lend a meaning to the wild gesticulation of trees or to some discarded newspaper sliding and pausing, and shuffling again, with abortive flaps and apterous jerks along an endless windswept embankment. But just now I am not a poet. I come to you like that gushing lady in Chekhov who was dying to be described.
The title of VN's story is borrowed from Shakespeare's Othello. Duchess of Payn, of Great Payn and Mone, Queen Disa (the wife of Charles the Beloved) seems to be a cross between Leonardo's Mona Lisa and Desdemona, Othello's wife in Shakespeare's play.
That gushing lady in Chekhov who was dying to be described appears in Chekhov's humorous stroy Zagadochnaya natura ("An Enigmatic Nature," 1883). According to Kinbote, Shade listed Chekhov among Russian humorists:
Speaking of the Head of the bloated Russian Department, Prof. Pnin, a regular martinet in regard to his underlings (happily, Prof. Botkin, who taught in another department, was not subordinated to that grotesque "perfectionist"): "How odd that Russian intellectuals should lack all sense of humor when they have such marvelous humorists as Gogol, Dostoevski, Chekhov, Zoshchenko, and those joint authors of genius Ilf and Petrov." (note to Line 172)
In Chekhov's novella Skuchnaya istoriya ("A Dreary story," 1889) the old Professor says that he is vynosliv, kak verblyud (has the power of endurance of a camel):
Есть в России заслуженный профессор Николай Степанович такой-то, тайный советник и кавалер; у него так много русских и иностранных орденов, что когда ему приходится надевать их, то студенты величают его иконостасом. Знакомство у него самое аристократическое; по крайней мере за последние 25—30 лет в России нет и не было такого знаменитого ученого, с которым он не был бы коротко знаком. Теперь дружить ему не с кем, но если говорить о прошлом, то длинный список его славных друзей заканчивается такими именами, как Пирогов, Кавелин и поэт Некрасов, дарившие его самой искренней и теплой дружбой. Он состоит членом всех русских и трех заграничных университетов. И прочее, и прочее. Всё это и многое, что еще можно было бы сказать, составляет то, что называется моим именем.
Это мое имя популярно. В России оно известно каждому грамотному человеку, а за границею оно упоминается с кафедр с прибавкою известный и почтенный. Принадлежит оно к числу тех немногих счастливых имен, бранить которые или упоминать их всуе, в публике и в печати считается признаком дурного тона. Так это и должно быть. Ведь с моим именем тесно связано понятие о человеке знаменитом, богато одаренном и несомненно полезном. Я трудолюбив и вынослив, как верблюд, а это важно, и талантлив, а это еще важнее. К тому же, к слову сказать, я воспитанный, скромный и честный малый. Никогда я не совал своего носа в литературу и в политику, не искал популярности в полемике с невеждами, не читал речей ни на обедах, ни на могилах своих товарищей... Вообще на моем ученом имени нет ни одного пятна и пожаловаться ему не на что. Оно счастливо.
THERE is in Russia an emeritus Professor Nikolay Stepanovich, a chevalier and privy councillor; he has so many Russian and foreign decorations that when he has occasion to put them on the students nickname him "The Ikonstand." His acquaintances are of the most aristocratic; for the last twenty-five or thirty years, at any rate, there has not been one single distinguished man of learning in Russia with whom he has not been intimately acquainted. There is no one for him to make friends with nowadays; but if we turn to the past, the long list of his famous friends winds up with such names as Pirogov, Kavelin, and the poet Nekrasov, all of whom bestowed upon him a warm and sincere affection. He is a member of all the Russian and of three foreign universities. And so on, and so on. All that and a great deal more that might be said makes up what is called my "name."
That is my name as known to the public. In Russia it is known to every educated man, and abroad it is mentioned in the lecture-room with the addition "honoured and distinguished." It is one of those fortunate names to abuse which or to take which in vain, in public or in print, is considered a sign of bad taste. And that is as it should be. You see, my name is closely associated with the conception of a highly distinguished man of great gifts and unquestionable usefulness. I have the industry and power of endurance of a camel, and that is important, and I have talent, which is even more important. Moreover, while I am on this subject, I am a well-educated, modest, and honest fellow. I have never poked my nose into literature or politics; I have never sought popularity in polemics with the ignorant; I have never made speeches either at public dinners or at the funerals of my friends. . . . In fact, there is no slur on my learned name, and there is no complaint one can make against it. It is fortunate. (Chapter I)
Describing his lecture, the old Professor mentions trista glaz (three hundred eyes) of his students:
Хороший дирижер, передавая мысль композитора, делает сразу двадцать дел: читает партитуру, машет палочкой, следит за певцом, делает движение в сторону то барабана, то валторны и проч. То же самое и я, когда читаю. Предо мною полтораста лиц, не похожих одно на другое, и триста глаз, глядящих мне прямо в лицо. Цель моя — победить эту многоголовую гидру. Если я каждую минуту, пока читаю, имею ясное представление о степени ее внимания и о силе разумения, то она в моей власти. Другой мой противник сидит во мне самом. Это — бесконечное разнообразие форм, явлений и законов и множество ими обусловленных своих и чужих мыслей. Каждую минуту я должен иметь ловкость выхватывать из этого громадного материала самое важное и нужное и так же быстро, как течет моя речь, облекать свою мысль в такую форму, которая была бы доступна разумению гидры и возбуждала бы ее внимание, причем надо зорко следить, чтобы мысли передавались не по мере их накопления, а в известном порядке, необходимом для правильной компоновки картины, какую я хочу нарисовать. Далее я стараюсь, чтобы речь моя была литературна, определения кратки и точны, фраза возможно проста и красива. Каждую минуту я должен осаживать себя и помнить, что в моем распоряжении имеются только час и сорок минут. Одним словом, работы немало. В одно и то же время приходится изображать из себя и ученого, и педагога, и оратора, и плохо дело, если оратор победит в вас педагога и ученого, или наоборот.
A good conductor, interpreting the thought of the composer, does twenty things at once: reads the score, waves his baton, watches the singer, makes a motion sideways, first to the drum then to the wind-instruments, and so on. I do just the same when I lecture. Before me a hundred and fifty faces, all unlike one another; three hundred eyes all looking straight into my face. My object is to dominate this many-headed monster. If every moment as I lecture I have a clear vision of the degree of its attention and its power of comprehension, it is in my power. The other foe I have to overcome is in myself. It is the infinite variety of forms, phenomena, laws, and the multitude of ideas of my own and other people's conditioned by them. Every moment I must have the skill to snatch out of that vast mass of material what is most important and necessary, and, as rapidly as my words flow, clothe my thought in a form in which it can be grasped by the monster's intelligence, and may arouse its attention, and at the same time one must keep a sharp lookout that one's thoughts are conveyed, not just as they come, but in a certain order, essential for the correct composition of the picture I wish to sketch. Further, I endeavor to make my diction literary, my definitions brief and precise, my wording, as far as possible, simple and eloquent. Every minute I have to pull myself up and remember that I have only an hour and forty minutes at my disposal. In short, one has one's work cut out. At one and the same minute one has to play the part of savant and teacher and orator, and it's a bad thing if the orator gets the upper hand of the savant or of the teacher in one, or vice versa. (ibid.)
Describing his insomnia, the old Professor mentions a novel with the strange title that he mechanically read through in one night, O chyom pela lastochka ("About What the Swallow was Singing"):
Что касается моего теперешнего образа жизни, то прежде всего я должен отметить бессонницу, которою страдаю в последнее время. Если бы меня спросили: что составляет теперь главную и основную черту твоего существования? Я ответил бы: бессонница. Как и прежде, по привычке, ровно в полночь я раздеваюсь и ложусь в постель. Засыпаю я скоро, но во втором часу просыпаюсь, и с таким чувством, как будто совсем не спал. Приходится вставать с постели и зажигать лампу. Час или два я хожу из угла в угол по комнате и рассматриваю давно знакомые картины и фотографии. Когда надоедает ходить, сажусь за свой стол. Сижу я неподвижно, ни о чем не думая и не чувствуя никаких желаний; если передо мной лежит книга, то машинально я придвигаю ее к себе и читаю без всякого интереса. Так, недавно в одну ночь я прочел машинально целый роман под странным названием: «О чем пела ласточка». Или же я, чтобы занять свое внимание, заставляю себя считать до тысячи, или воображаю лицо кого-нибудь из товарищей и начинаю вспоминать: в каком году и при каких обстоятельствах он поступил на службу? Люблю прислушиваться к звукам. То за две комнаты от меня быстро проговорит что-нибудь в бреду моя дочь Лиза, то жена пройдет через залу со свечой и непременно уронит коробку со спичками, то скрипнет рассыхающийся шкап или неожиданно загудит горелка в лампе — и все эти звуки почему-то волнуют меня.
As regards my present manner of life, I must give a foremost place to the insomnia from which I have suffered of late. If I were asked what constituted the chief and fundamental feature of my existence now, I should answer, Insomnia. As in the past, from habit I undress and go to bed exactly at midnight. I fall asleep quickly, but before two o'clock I wake up and feel as though I had not slept at all. Sometimes I get out of bed and light a lamp. For an hour or two I walk up and down the room looking at the familiar photographs and pictures. When I am weary of walking about, I sit down to my table. I sit motionless, thinking of nothing, conscious of no inclination; if a book is lying before me, I mechanically move it closer and read it without any interest -- in that way not long ago I mechanically read through in one night a whole novel, with the strange title "The Song the Swallow was Singing"; or to occupy my attention I force myself to count to a thousand; or I imagine the face of one of my colleagues and begin trying to remember in what year and under what circumstances he entered the service. I like listening to sounds. Two rooms away from me my daughter Liza says something rapidly in her sleep, or my wife crosses the drawing-room with a candle and invariably drops the matchbox; or a warped cupboard creaks; or the burner of the lamp suddenly begins to hum -- and all these sounds, for some reason, excite me.
The “real” name of both Sybil Shade (the poet’s wife whom Kinbote calls “Sybil Swallow”) and Queen Disa (the wife of Charles the Beloved) seems to be Sofia Botkin, born Lastochkin. Describing his courtship, the old Professor in Chekhov's story compares himself to Othello and his wife to Desdemona:
Я слушаю, машинально поддакиваю и, вероятно, оттого, что не спал ночь, странные, ненужные мысли овладевают мной. Я смотрю на свою жену и удивляюсь, как ребенок. В недоумении я спрашиваю себя: неужели эта старая, очень полная, неуклюжая женщина, с тупым выражением мелочной заботы и страха перед куском хлеба со взглядом, отуманенным постоянными мыслями о долгах и нужде, умеющая говорить только о расходах и улыбаться только дешевизне — неужели эта женщина была когда-то той самой тоненькой Варею, которую я страстно полюбил за хороший, ясный ум, за чистую душу, красоту и, как Отелло Дездемону, за «состраданье» к моей науке? Неужели это та самая жена моя Варя, которая когда-то родила мне сына?
I listen, mechanically assent, and probably because I have had a bad night, strange and inappropriate thoughts intrude themselves upon me. I gaze at my wife and wonder like a child. I ask myself in perplexity, is it possible that this old, very stout, ungainly woman, with her dull expression of petty anxiety and alarm about daily bread, with eyes dimmed by continual brooding over debts and money difficulties, who can talk of nothing but expenses and who smiles at nothing but things getting cheaper -- is it possible that this woman is no other than the slender Varya whom I fell in love with so passionately for her fine, clear intelligence, for her pure soul, her beauty, and, as Othello his Desdemona, for her "sympathy" for my studies? Could that woman be no other than the Varya who had once borne me a son? (Chapter I)
Chekhov is the author of Zerkalo ("The Looking Glass," 1885) and Krivoe zerkalo ("The Crooked Mirror," 1883), a humorous story. In the crooked mirror the hero’s ugly wife becomes a divine beauty (which makes her husband roar with wild laughter):
Однажды, стоя позади жены, я нечаянно поглядел в зеркало и – открыл страшную тайну. В зеркале я увидел женщину ослепительной красоты, какой я не встречал никогда в жизни. Это было чудо природы, гармония красоты, изящества и любви. Но в чём же дело? Что случилось? Отчего моя некрасивая, неуклюжая жена в зеркале казалась такою прекрасной? Отчего?
А оттого, что кривое зеркало покривило некрасивое лицо моей жены во все стороны, и от такого перемещения его черт оно стало случайно прекрасным. Минус на минус дало плюс.
И теперь мы оба, я и жена, сидим перед зеркалом и, не отрываясь ни на одну минуту, смотрим в него: нос мой лезет на левую щеку, подбородок раздвоился и сдвинулся в сторону, но лицо жены очаровательно – и бешеная, безумная страсть овладевает мною.
– Ха-ха-ха! – дико хохочу я.
А жена шепчет едва слышно:
– Как я прекрасна!
Minus na minus dalo plyus (minus × minus = plus), as the hero of Chekhov's story he puts it. This rule is also mentioned by Hermann, the narrator and main character in VN’s novel Otchayanie (Despair, 1934):
Во-первых: эпиграф, но не к этой главе, а так, вообще: литература – это любовь к людям. Теперь продолжим.
В помещении почтамта было темновато. У окошек стояло по два, по три человека, все больше женщины. В каждом окошке, как тусклый портрет, виднелось лицо чиновника. Вон там – номер девятый. Я не сразу решился… Подойдя сначала к столу посреди помещения – столу, разделенному перегородками на конторки, я притворился перед самим собой, что мне нужно кое-что написать, нашел в кармане старый счет и на обороте принялся выводить первые попавшиеся слова. Казенное перо неприятно трещало, я совал его в дырку чернильницы, в черный плевок; по бледному бювару, на который я облокотился, шли, так и сяк скрещиваясь, отпечатки неведомых строк, – иррациональный почерк, минус-почерк, – что всегда напоминает мне зеркало, – минус на минус даёт плюс. Мне пришло в голову, что и Феликс – некий минус я, – изумительной важности мысль, которую я напрасно, напрасно до конца не продумал.
To begin with, let us take the following motto (not especially for this chapter, but generally): Literature is Love. Now we can continue.
It was darkish in the post office; two or three people stood at every counter, mostly women; and at every counter, framed in its little window, like some tarnished picture, showed the face of an official. I looked for number nine…. I wavered before going up to it. …There was, in the middle of the place, a series of writing desks, so I lingered there, pretending, in front of my own self, that I had something to write: on the back of an old bill which I found in my pocket, I began to scrawl the very first words that came. The pen supplied by the State screeched and rattled, I kept thrusting it into the inkwell, into the black spit therein; the pale blotting paper upon which I leaned my elbow was all crisscrossed with the imprints of unreadable lines. Those irrational characters, preceded as it were by a minus, remind me always of mirrors: minus × minus = plus. It struck me that perhaps Felix too was a minus I, and that was a line of thought of quite astounding importance, which I did wrong, oh, very wrong, not to have thoroughly investigated. (Chapter Seven)
In VN's novel Hermann murders Felix, a tramp whom Hermann believes to be his perfect double. Shade's murderer, Gradus is Kinbote's double. Jakob Gradus is Sudarg of Bokay (a mirror maker of genius) in reverse.