Vladimir Nabokov

Nabokov Secondary Bibliography: Bibliography: ON Nabokov

By Brian_Boyd, 7 January, 2020

Dear Nabokovians,

The Nabokov secondary bibliography is now ready for use. It has been a difficult task importing the old Zembla secondary bibliography, which was up to date to 2009, into the system. This is done, and ready for use, and now we want you both to use the bibliography and to bring it up to the present.

We very much count on our users to correct and augment the bibliography, which is decidedly a work in progress, and, to remain useful, will always be so.

For those of you with published work on Nabokov, you could start by adding to the system any of your own works not already here.

Graduate students working on dissertations are likely to be particularly up to date with recent criticism and scholarship, so we would very much appreciate your adding any material that you see is missing from the database.

There are invitations and instructions on the home page of the Bibliography On VN, including instructions about editing existing entries and adding new ones.

We would appreciate your help in regularizing entries (removing duplicate entries, regularizing the spelling of authors’ names), and adding tags to indicate which works or subjects are discussed, making comments or adding abstracts.

The more we all put into it, the more we’ll all get out of it!

Please direct queries to the Bibliography editor, Steven Mihalik, steven.mihalik@gmail.com, whom we welcome onto the website team.

Brian Boyd





4 years 2 months ago

It will always be work-in-progress but for now, all of the entries have been revised (for the 1st time), after nearly 4 months! Users should feel free to browse and bring to notice anything that seems amiss. Just mention it on the Forum.


And as a popular tagline goes, "If You don't KNOW, NOW You KNOW".