Vladimir Nabokov


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By Brian_Boyd, 18 June, 2018
For the wealthy Nabokov completist, or for those who can recommend books to their university's rare books collection, Arion Press, San Francisco, has published this month, June 2018, a limited fine edition of Nabokov's Eugene Onegin translation, in a form even better than he ideally envisaged: the Cyrillic text interleaved with the stress-marked transliteration of the Russian on the inner half of each page (transliteration and stress-marking prepared by Stanislav Shvabrin), and the translation on the outer.
By Brian_Boyd, 18 June, 2018
As you may know, VN's letters to his wife, edited and translated by Olga Voronina and Brian Boyd, have appeared in multiple editions in English (Penguin Classics hardback, 2014, Knopf hardback, 2015, Penguin Classics paperback, 2016, and Vintage paperback, 2017) and in other languages (Chinese, French, German, Romanian, with Dutch, Italian, Spanish, Turkish under way), and also in our edition in the original Russian, as Pis'ma k Vere (KoLibri, 2017, notes translated by Alexandra Glebovskaya).