Vladimir Nabokov


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By stephen_blackwell, 26 November, 2023

The election for the next IVNS Vice President (who serves for two years before becoming president) is under way. We have two outstanding candidates: Matthew Roth and Adam Weiner. Secret ballots have been emailed to all members. The candidate statements are below for your reference.

By stephen_blackwell, 16 November, 2023

On December 8 at 18.00 St. Petersburg time the Institute of Russian Literature will hold its next online seminar.  Olga Voronina will speak about her recently published book  "Secret Writing: Nabokov's Archive of Subtexts".

By stephen_blackwell, 8 November, 2023

Congratulations to the new winners of the IVNS prizes! This year's winners are: Gennady Barabtarlo Prize for Best Scholarly Essay: Erik Eklund, “’The Name of God has Priority’: ‘God’ and the Apophatic Element in Vladimir Nabokov’s Pale Fire”; Dieter E.

By stephen_blackwell, 6 November, 2023

Olga Voronina's highly-anticipated new book, Тайнопись: Набоков. Архив. Подтекст (Secret Writing: Nabokov. Archive. Subtext) has just been released by the Ivan Limbakh publishing house.