Vladimir Nabokov

Annotations by Alexey Sklyarenko


Please read Alexey Sklyarenko's annotations on Pale FireAda and other Nabokov works here.

By Alexey Sklyarenko, 18 May, 2020

In VN's play Izobretenie Val'sa ("The Waltz Invention," 1938) Salvator Waltz wants the architect to build a fairy-tale palace for him in ten days:  


Гриб. Видите ли, ваше... ваше сиятельство, я, собственно, архитектор.

Вальс. А... так бы сразу и сказали. Глупое недоразумение. Мне от него захотелось есть. Отлично. Вам уже сообщили, что мне нужно?

Гриб. Вам нужен дворец.

By j_j_bermudez, 16 May, 2020

Could Alamillo in Time and Ebb be suggested to Nabokov by his contemporary the mexican general Luis Alamillo (born in 1904) military attache in Washington DC and Paris around the time of that short story writing?

By Alexey Sklyarenko, 11 May, 2020

On Demonia (aka Antiterra, Earth’s twin planet on which VN’s novel Ada, 1969, is set) Paris is also known as Lute:


In 1885, having completed his prep-school education, he went up to Chose University in England, where his fathers had gone, and traveled from time to time to London or Lute (as prosperous but not overrefined British colonials called that lovely pearl-gray sad city on the other side of the Channel). (1.28)