NABOKV-L posts by author: Fet, Victor
- Re: Sig Leymanski, Sig Heiler, papa Fig & Pig Pigment in AdabyFet, Victor
- Re: guinea pig, vivisection, Magda Peters,
Robert Horn & von Korovin in Kamera ObskurabyFet, Victor - Re: A 1924 review of Nabokov's 1923 Anya in Wonderland just found!byFet, Victor
- Re: Racemosa: fluffy flowers of the cheryomuha [Query]byFet, Victor
- Nabokov's 1923 Alice translation for sale in UKbyFet, Victor
- Semberland and TransmirroriabyFet, Victor
- Re: Novaya Zemlya and Kuzma's motherbyFet, Victor
- Re: lastochka & other birds in Pale FirebyFet, Victor
- Re: lastochka & other birds in Pale FirebyFet, Victor
- Re: narstran, Odon & Nodo in Pale FirebyFet, Victor
- Interview with Zsuzsa Hetényi (in Russian) - "130 polygenic and invariant patterns" in Hungarian!byFet, Victor
- Re: RES: [NABOKV-L] Darwin in AdabyFet, Victor
- Fomozov: The Return of FebbyFet, Victor
- Re: RES: [NABOKV-L] SIGHTING: Humbert the HuntsmanbyFet, Victor
- Re: viola/viol/vial/phial . . .byFet, Victor
- Re: cicadas & grasshoppersbyFet, Victor
- Re: LATH vs. Pushkin's Boris GodunovbyFet, Victor
- Re: Marevo in LATHbyFet, Victor
- Re: THOUGHTS: Cat vs. ChateaubriandbyFet, Victor
- Re: SIGHTINGS: Birthday - audiofile with VN voicebyFet, Victor
- Re: QUERY - In PF,
why doesn't Charles II become King on Alfin's death?byFet, Victor - Re: Indrik & Savan-na-rylo in PodvigbyFet, Victor
- Newton's bodkinbyFet, Victor
- SIGHTING: Allen and Sachtleben from The Gift, new photosbyFet, Victor
- Re: more from the archives re nikto b'byFet, Victor
- Re: nikto bbyFet, Victor
- Re: surrender and exile...byFet, Victor
- NY Times - Carl Zimmer,
"Nabokov Butterfly Theory Is Vindicated" and Polyommatus article
by Vuila et al. 2011byFet, Victor - Re: Botkin and GogolbyFet, Victor
- Re: THOUGHTS: ParasitesbyFet, Victor
- Re: Pinning Down The Elusive Vladimir Nabokov ...byFet, Victor
- Re: Good news from GhentbyFet, Victor
- Re: golova, Golovin, VeenbyFet, Victor
- Re: Charade = Shar + Ada = Sphere of Hell = DemoniabyFet, Victor
- [from PF and Parody] - dracunculibyFet, Victor
- Re: STANG--response to Lipon et al.byFet, Victor
- Re: Russian novelist Vladimir Nabokov ...byFet, Victor
- Re: [NABOKOV-L] [QUERY] Padus racemosabyFet, Victor
- PALEARCTIC - was: Sighting (celadon eyes; light of my life)byFet, Victor
- Re: The New Republic review of Verses and VersionsbyFet, Victor
- Re: Post Script to [NABOKOV-L] cithereal mollitude (Verses and
Versions)byFet, Victor - Re: Nabokov defined his made-up word "poshlost" ...byFet, Victor
- Re: Nabokov's famous formulation about literature ...byFet, Victor
- Re: [NABOKOV-L] [QUERY] Sebastian KnightbyFet, Victor
- Re: ADA's Abraham Milton and Isaac Levitan and Adolf MarxbyFet, Victor
- Re: QUERY: Russian Words for WerewolvesbyFet, Victor
- Re: CORRECTION to CORRECTION: PalermobyFet, Victor
- Re: Vladimir as a namebyFet, Victor
- Re: A Nursery Tale Frau Monde/Gospozha OttbyFet, Victor
- Re: Vladimir as a namebyFet, Victor
- Re: SIGHTING: Lolita, Lenin, and Russian culture minister SokolovbyFet, Victor
- Re: Synesthesia: joy and "hypnotising beauty"byFet, Victor
- [SIGHTINGS]: A new review of synaesthesiabyFet, Victor
- [SIGHTINGS]: an ADA genebyFet, Victor
- [SIGHTINGS]: Meyer on Mimicry and VNbyFet, Victor
- Re: NABOKOV-LIST [THOUGHTS] TranslationsbyFet, Victor
- SIGHTINGS: essays on VN peddled to Russian students at
www.litra.rubyFet, Victor - Re: JF's reply to BB on azure (and blue birds and butterflies)]byFet, Victor
- Re: B.Boyd on "PF" denigrators, from CHWbyFet, Victor
- Re: to kinbote = to be niktobyFet, Victor
- Charity concert in Rozhdestveno house (Russian)byFet, Victor
- Re: "C" "K" "S" in PF solution; Karl and CharlesbyFet, Victor
- Re: Ice and winter in PFbyFet, Victor
- {NABOKV-L]: shagbark hickorybyFet, Victor
- Re: Escher-Butterfly-Color-Posters.jpgbyFet, Victor
- Re: sarcophagus; flies and ItalybyFet, Victor
- Re: monte-fontebyFet, Victor
- Re: pruning datesbyFet, Victor
- Re: butterflies on 4/23byFet, Victor