NABOKV-L posts by year: 2007
- Re: VN poem under discussionbyDonald B. Johnson
- VN poem under discussionbyDmitri Nabokov
- Spalding’s translation of Pushkin’s most famous work , Eugene Onegin ...bySandy P. Klein
- Re: "unpublished poem version of Lolita"?byjansymello
- a jibe, perhaps, at Nabokov ...bySandy P. Klein
- Re: "unpublished poem version of Lolita"?byNABOKV-L
- "unpublished poem version of Lolita"?byCarolyn Kunin
- C Kunin returns to Dr Sutton's fieldbyNABOKV-L
- 120 writers including -- Vladimir Nabokov ...bySandy P. Klein
- complete set of Vladimir Nabokov's writings ...bySandy P. Klein
- Re: C Kunin re Dr Sutton's fieldbyNABOKV-L
- C Kunin re Dr Sutton's fieldbyCarolyn Kunin
- Peter De Vries & Nabokov's "Eugene Onegin"byD. Barton Johnson
- the great writer Vladimir Nabokov ...bySandy P. Klein
- Constellations & the Mystery of Dr. SuttonbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: C Kunin replies on how VN saw ShadebyR S Gwynn
- The gift of culture ...bysandy klein
- Kinbote's Bespoke Art Commentary Service ...bysandy klein
- Re: QUERY: The Mystery of Dr. SuttonbyNABOKV-L
- C Kunin replies on how VN saw ShadebyCarolyn Kunin
- Reminder: Ballot for Vice President of Vladimir Nabokov Society
(12/24 deadline)byNABOKV-L - Re: "My Nabokov" special issue of UlbandusbyNABOKV-L
- QUERY: The Mystery of Dr. SuttonbyMatthew Roth
- Re: Carolyn Kunin's questions about how VN saw ShadebyAnthony Stadlen
- ANNOUNCEMENT: Ulbandus 10/2007 -- "My Nabokov" special issuebyNABOKV-L
- Re: Fwd: Autograph hard copy of Pale FirebyNABOKV-L
- Year Round Hotel Living ...bySandy P. Klein
- Re: Fwd: Autograph hard copy of Pale FirebyNABOKV-L
- Re: SIGHTING: Lolita, Lenin, and Russian culture minister SokolovbyFet, Victor
- SIGHTING: Lolita, Lenin, and Russian culture minister SokolovbyNABOKV-L
- QUERY: VN's eye color?byNABOKV-L
- THOUGHTS: W.F. Kirby, LepidopterabyMatthew Roth
- Fwd: Autograph hard copy of Pale FirebyJuan Martinez
- Re: THOUGHTS: Zemblan Havamalbyjansymello
- THOUGHTS: Zemblan HavamalbyMatthew Roth
- ANNOUNCEMENT: New article (in Russian) on VN and BergsonbyNABOKV-L
- QUERY: "Splendid Surprise" and lepidoptera?byNABOKV-L
- THOUGHTS: Pale jellies and mandolins (final word?)byNABOKV-L
- THOUGHTS: VN and TheosophybyNABOKV-L
- Pale jellies and floating mandolinsbyNABOKV-L
- More on Special Topics on Calamity PhysicsbyNABOKV-L
- more on poet Ella Wheeler WilcoxbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: THOUGHTS: Ella Wheeler Wilcox in SM and PF (?); Phoenix and
date palms. Hamlet's father.byjansymello - Re: THOUGHTS: Ella Wheeler Wilcox in SM and PF (?)byStringer-Hye, Suellen
- THOUGHTS: Darker thought on Sirin, lighter thought on DisabyNABOKV-L
- THOUGHTS: Ella Wheeler Wilcox in SM and PF (?)byMatthew Roth
- Re: darker thoughts on Disa in PFbyjansymello
- Re: QUERY: "A miserable concoction"?byNABOKV-L
- Re: THOUGHTS: Chess, plotting, and moves in VNbyjansymello
- The J. Peterman CataloguebyJay Livingston
- QUERY: "A miserable concoction"?byNABOKV-L
- Re: has Nabokov created a narrator/double before?byNABOKV-L
- C Kunin on point of bifurcationbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: darker thoughts on Disa in PFbyStan Kelly-Bootle
- Re: darker thoughts on Disa in PFbyChaswe@AOL.COM
- Re: darker thoughts on Disa in PFbyJerry Katsell
- Re: has Nabokov created a narrator/double before?byMatthew Roth
- THOUGHTS: Chess, plotting, and moves in VNbyNABOKV-L
- Re: darker thoughts on Disa in PFbyChaswe@AOL.COM
- has Nabokov created a narrator/double before?byCarolyn Kunin
- Re: darker thoughts on Disa in PFbyDieter E. Zimmer
- Disa and VaniadabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: darker thoughts on Disa in PFbyChaswe@AOL.COM
- darker thoughts on Disa in PFbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Brief afterthoughts (VN's geographies and EROS)byjansymello
- THOUGHTS: VN's influence on Pessl's "Special Topics in Calamity
Physics"byNABOKV-L - Brief afterthoughts (VN's geographies and EROS)byNABOKV-L
- EDITORIAL: posting to NABOKV-L from another email address other
than that of your subscriptionbyNABOKV-L - Re: [THOUGHTS] Stan K-Bootle's reply to Sandy on Don Quixotebyjansymello
- CORRECTIONS: Efros, Evfrat, and Genghis KhanbyNABOKV-L
- Re: THOUGHTS: Exploring the Geographies of VN's Novelsbyjansymello
- Re: THOUGHTS on Canto One and imbibing spiritsbyjansymello
- THOUGHTS: Exploring the Geographies of VN's NovelsbyMatthew Roth
- C Kunin to MR & Alexey (omnibussed)byCarolyn Kunin
- C Kunin responds & queriesbyCarolyn Kunin
- MR answering RSG's Fine THOUGHTS; Shade & Hazel, etc.byMatthew Roth
- Re: HippopotamiansbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: QUERY: VN's opinion of John Shade?byAnthony Stadlen
- Re: THOUGHTS on Taking Metaphors Literallybyb.boyd@AUCKLAND.AC.NZ
- Re: THOUGHTS: John Simon on Boyd's VN: The Russian Yearsbyb.boyd@AUCKLAND.AC.NZ
- Re: Hippopotamians: Odd shaped lakes and Timebyjansymello
- EDITORIAL: Please read this plaint from your editor before postingbyNABOKV-L
- Re: THOUGHTS on Canto OnebyNABOKV-L
- Re: THOUGHTS: Wenches,apples,Cain and Abel,Compassion.byR S Gwynn
- Re: THOUGHTS on Taing Metaphors LiterallybyR S Gwynn
- HippopotamiansbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: THOUGHTS: Wenches, hands, and applesbyAnthony Stadlen
- Re: THOUGHTS on Canto OnebyAnthony Stadlen
- Re: THOUGHTS on Taking Metaphors LiterallybyNABOKV-L
- QUERY: VN's opinion of John Shade?byNABOKV-L
- THOUGHTS: John Simon on Boyd's VN: The Russian YearsbyNABOKV-L
- Re: THOUGHTS: Wenches and apples... - a PSbyjansymello
- Re: THOUGHTS: Wenches,apples,Cain and Abel,Compassion.byjansymello
- Shade & parentsbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: THOUGHTS on Canto Onebyjansymello
- Re: THOUGHTS on Canto OnebyNABOKV-L
- Re: THOUGHTS: Wenches, hands, and applesbyStan Kelly-Bootle
- THOUGHTS on Taing Metaphors LiterallybyNABOKV-L
- THOUGHTS: Wenches, hands, and applesbyNABOKV-L
- homosexualitybyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Hippopotamians in Ardis (Matt Brillinger's piece in The
Nabokovian)byAlexey Sklyarenko - THOUGHTS: Wenches, hands, and applesbyNABOKV-L
- Re: THOUGHTS on Canto One; Double MonsterbyAnthony Stadlen
- Re: THOUGHTS on Canto OnebyJohn Mella
- Re: [ Polychrome THOUGHTS] Kunin to Twiggs,
J.Mello to KJunin and Brownbyjansymello - Re: THOUGHTS on Canto One: glues and pastesbyR S Gwynn
- Re: Thoughts Re: [NABOKV-L] Brian Boyd on Apples in PFbyNABOKV-L
- Re: QUERY: Nabokophe sur ApostrophebyNABOKV-L
- Kunin to Twiggs : Thank you, sir.byCarolyn Kunin
- QUERY: Pamuk's essay "Cruelty, Beauty, and Time" and VNbyNABOKV-L
- Re: THOUGHTS on Canto OnebyR S Gwynn
- Re: Brian Boyd on Apples in PFbyAndrew Brown
- Re: THOUGHTS on Canto One: glues and pastesbyjansymello
- Re: THOUGHTS on Canto One; Double MonsterbyMatthew Roth
- Re: Thoughts Re: [NABOKV-L] on Tumbling apples in PFbyjansymello
- many many more THOUGHTS: Tumbled Beds!!!byCarolyn Kunin
- Re: THOUGHTS: Tumbled BedsbyNABOKV-L
- QUERY: Nabokophe sur ApostrophebyNABOKV-L
- Re: Brian Boyd on Apples in PF; more tumblingsbyMatthew Roth
- Nabokophe sur ApostrophebyMichèlle Kilo
- Re: Thoughts Re: [NABOKV-L] Brian Boyd on Apples in PFbyR S Gwynn
- Reminder: directions for Nabokov Society ballot (12/24 deadline)byNABOKV-L
- Re: THOUGHTS: Tumbled BedsbyNABOKV-L
- Re: THOUGHTS: Tumbled BedsbyAnthony Stadlen
- Re: Thoughts Re: [NABOKV-L] Brian Boyd on Apples in PFbyNABOKV-L
- Re: THOUGHTS: Tumbled Bedsbyjansymello
- Re: Brian Boyd on Apples in PFbyR S Gwynn
- Re: Brian Boyd on Apples in PFbyNABOKV-L
- THOUGHTS: Tumbled BedsbyMatthew Roth
- some of literature's best-known novels ...bySandy P. Klein
- VN Bibliography: Krymskii Nabokovskii Nauchnyi SbornikbyD. Barton Johnson
- Luzhin can do three things ...bySandy P. Klein
- Nabokov's Luzhin ...bySandy P. Klein
- Looking Back to Stanley Kubrick ...bySandy P. Klein
- Ballot for Vice President of Vladimir Nabokov Society (12/24
deadline)byNABOKV-L - Top writers select their favourite seasonal reads ...bySandy P. Klein
- Writers and politics ...bySandy P. Klein
- Thoughts Re: [NABOKV-L] Brian Boyd on Apples in PFbyNABOKV-L
- Re: THOUGHTS: Apples in PFbyNABOKV-L
- EDITORIAL: Apologies for backlogbyNABOKV-L
- Re: Brian Boyd on Apples in PFbyR S Gwynn
- The Formalist's Formalist ...bySandy P. Klein
- Re: THOUGHTS: Apples in PFbyNABOKV-L
- Categories of Modern Russian Fiction ...bySandy P. Klein
- Re: Brian Boyd on Apples in PFbyb.boyd@AUCKLAND.AC.NZ
- Re: QUERY: Pappa pisses and Pippa passes - a pale fountain girl:
...byR S Gwynn - Re: QUERY: Source for Disa in PFbyPriscilla Meyer
- THOUGHTS: Apples in PF and LolitabyNABOKV-L
- Re: QUERY: Pappa pisses and Pippa passes - a pale fountain girl:
...byJansy - Re: QUERY: Pappa pisses and Pippa passes - a pale fountain girl:
Lolita and Pale FirebyNABOKV-L - Re: QUERY: Source for Disa in PFbyChaswe@AOL.COM
- Re: QUERY: Pappa pisses and Pippa passes - a pale fountain girl:
...byR S Gwynn - Re: QUERY: Source for Disa in PFbyNABOKV-L
- screen adaptation of Nabokov’s Lolita ...bySandy P. Klein
- Translation Wars ...bySandy P. Klein
- Re: QUERY: Source for Disa in PFbyNABOKV-L
- QUERY: Pappa pisses and Pippa passes - a pale fountain girl:
Lolita and Pale FirebyNABOKV-L - by the age of 14 my father had brought me Lolita ...bySandy P. Klein
- Re: QUERY: Source for Disa in PFbyDonald B. Johnson
- Re: SIGHTING: VN and former student Justice Ruth Bader GinsburgbyNABOKV-L
- Re: SIGHTING: VN and former student Justice Ruth Bader GinsburgbyNABOKV-L
- Re: SIGHTING: VN and former student Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburgbyjansymello
- SIGHTING: VN and former student Justice Ruth Bader GinsburgbyNABOKV-L
- Re: QUERY on Edsel Ford, reply to JansybyNABOKV-L
- QUERY: Source for Disa in PFbyNABOKV-L
- Re: QUERY on Edsel FordbyNABOKV-L
- Re: ANNOUNCEMENT: Physical site commemorating Nabokov at CornellbyNABOKV-L
- Re: ANNOUNCEMENT: Physical site commemorating Nabokov at CornellbyNABOKV-L
- Fw: johnsonbyjansymello
- Revisiting a misunderstood masterpiece ...bySandy P. Klein
- Re: ANNOUNCEMENT: Physical site commemorating Nabokov at CornellbyNABOKV-L
- ANNOUNCEMENT: Physical site commemorating Nabokov at CornellbyNABOKV-L
- [Nabokov-List] [QUERY] Joycean Epiphanies, Bliss and Visitationbyjansymello
- Re: THOUGHTS: Allusions to the real in VN's fictionbyNABOKV-L
- THOUGHTS: Allusions to the real in VN's fictionbyNABOKV-L
- nabokov sightingbyMichèlle Kilo
- THOUGHTS: Joe-Roe Marital Enigma in LolitabyNABOKV-L
- Re: The Function of the Ford allusionbyMatthew Roth
- Re: QUERY: Marianne Moore, Edsel Ford, and VNbyJansy
- Nabokov Blogoscoped ...bySandy P. Klein
- An Obsession with Butterflies ...bySandy P. Klein
- SIGHTING: Nabokov and the Neotenous WomanbyNABOKV-L
- Re: QUERY: Marianne Moore, Edsel Ford, and VNbyR S Gwynn
- Re: QUERY: Marianne Moore, Edsel Ford, and VNbyMatthew Roth
- glimpse of Nabokov as a teacher ...bySandy P. Klein
- Re: QUERY: Marianne Moore, Edsel Ford, and VNbyJansy
- Re: QUERY: Marianne Moore, Edsel Ford, and VNbyR S Gwynn
- QUERY: Marianne Moore, Edsel Ford, and VNbyNABOKV-L
- What else exists in the world besides chess? ...bysandy klein
- among his young pupils was Vladimir Nabokov ...bysandy klein
- Nabokov once said that he didn’t think in either Russi an or English ...bySandy P. Klein
- SIGHTINGS: Snowy Jewish Onhava of AlyeskabyNABOKV-L
- Nabokov's heirs have let him publish his translation ...bySandy P. Klein
- Re: QUERY: HodgebyAndrew Brown
- Tolstoy's Real Hero ...bySandy P. Klein
- On VN at Trinity College, CambridgebyNABOKV-L
- Re: QUERY: HodgebyNABOKV-L
- Vladimir Nabokov entrybyCourt Merrigan
- Re: query: serenity , trinity and Magellan's peacefulnessbyjansymello
- what's wrong with the remake of "Lolita" ...bySandy P. Klein
- Re: Synesthesia: joy and "hypnotising beauty"byFet, Victor
- Gogol's The Gamblers: elaborationbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: query: serenity and trinitybyNABOKV-L
- Holy Trinity, Twins and Tobago/Tobakoff...B.B's Serenity Courtbyjansymello
- Re: query: serenity and trinitybyjansymello
- Re: query: serenity and trinitybyStan Kelly-Bootle
- Re: query: serenity and trinitybyNABOKV-L
- Re: query: serenity and trinitybyNABOKV-L
- Re: query: serenity and trinitybyR S Gwynn
- Re: query: serenity and trinitybyAndrew Brown
- QUERY: Serenity and TrinitybyNABOKV-L
- Re: query: serenity and trinitybyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Nabokov chose to relate his love story ...bySandy P. Klein
- A literary voyage: from‘Suicide Club’ to ‘Fight C lub’ ...bySandy P. Klein
- Vladimir Nabokov? In Speak, Memory ...bySandy P. Klein
- "Lolita" author Vladimir Nabokov ...bySandy P. Klein
- Salman Rushdie trips down memory lane ...bySandy P. Klein
- Nabokov and Mrs lie near one end of a huge and fruity range of
human conditions . . .byNABOKV-L - Re: QUERY: HodgebyNABOKV-L
- Re: query: serenity and trinitybyb.boyd@AUCKLAND.AC.NZ
- NABOKOV LIST [THOUGHTS] Papin Sisters, Rendell,
Announced Murders and Nabokovbyjansymello - SIGHTING: A painting of an androgynous Nabokov . . .byNABOKV-L
- Re: THOUGHTS: Preamblingsbyjansymello
- THOUGHTS: PreamblingsbyNABOKV-L
- subjects as various as a dodo bird, Vladimir Nabokov, borscht ...bySandy P. Klein
- SIGHTING/ QUERY: Yale Book of Quotations & NabokovbyNABOKV-L
- NABOKOV-LIST [Thoughts] Preamblingsbyjansymello
- Re: Thoughts and queries: ChronologybyNABOKV-L
- love scenes with his screen Lolita as Nabokov envisaged ...bySandy P. Klein
- A clockwork Kubrick ...bySandy P. Klein
- inscription by Nabokov ...bySandy P. Klein
- TOME RAIDER: Contingency, Irony, and Solidarity ...bySandy P. Klein
- SIGHTING: More references to VN in Musicophilia, by Oliver SacksbyNABOKV-L
- à la Humbert Humbert ...bySandy P. Klein
- : Lolita is in the canon; On the Road is somewhat sub-canonical
...byCourt Merrigan - Lolita and Pale Fire ...bySandy P. Klein
- Nabokov wrote that concerts affected him ...bySandy P. Klein
- Re: She lived to hear the next babe crybyJerry Friedman
- Re: She lived to hear the next babe crybyR S Gwynn
- what the Marquis de Sade and Nabokov did with sex . . .byNABOKV-L
- Re: THOUGHTS & QUERIES: Pale Fire ChronologybyR S Gwynn
- his version of Lolita is steamy ...bySandy P. Klein
- Re: She lived to hear the next babe crybyb.boyd@AUCKLAND.AC.NZ
- “Camera Obscura,” based on the novel by Vladimir Nab okov ...bySandy P. Klein
- Re: She lived to hear the next babe crybyMatthew Roth
- THOUGHTS & QUERIES: Pale Fire ChronologybyNABOKV-L
- writer he introduced to American audiences, Vladimir Nabokov ...bySandy P. Klein
- they let Nabokov and Borges die (yes, die) ...bySandy P. Klein
- Re: She lived to hear the next babe crybyb.boyd@AUCKLAND.AC.NZ
- Re: THOUGHTS: Browning and ADAbyNABOKV-L
- clarification of the article titlebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: She lived to hear the next babe crybyMatthew Roth
- Re: THOUGHTS: Browning and ADAbyjansymello
- THOUGHTS: Catskin / catkin misprintbyNABOKV-L
- Re: THOUGHTS: Translation, consolation,
and knotting the translation threadbyjansymello - melodramatic apology & justification from Carolyn KuninbyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: Wearing Lolita in school ...byvengro@AIM.COM
- THOUGHTS: Translation, consolation,
and knotting the translation threadbyNABOKV-L - [SIGHTINGS]: A new review of synaesthesiabyFet, Victor
- [SIGHTINGS]: an ADA genebyFet, Victor
- [SIGHTINGS]: Meyer on Mimicry and VNbyFet, Victor
- Re: NABOKOV-LIST [THOUGHTS] TranslationsbyEmily Sours
- Re: She lived to hear the next babe crybyb.boyd@AUCKLAND.AC.NZ
- THOUGHTS: Browning and ADAbyNABOKV-L
- You wrote a dissertation on Nabokov’s Ada ...bySandy P. Klein
- new in ZemblabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: NABOKOV-LIST [THOUGHTS] TranslationsbyFet, Victor
- Re: THOUGHTS: Translation and a non-sightingbyStan Kelly-Bootle
- Richard Prince at the Guggenheim ...bySandy P. Klein
- Re: NABOKOV-LIST [THOUGHTS] TranslationsbyMary Krimmel
- The Vladimir Nabokov Museum in Saint Petersburg ...bySandy P. Klein
- Wilson debating --- Pushkin with Vladimir Nabokov ...bySandy P. Klein
- -dropping Russian novelist Vladimir Nabokov ...bySandy P. Klein
- Re: reply to one of Matt Roth's query & a counter-querybyMatthew Roth
- Re: reply to one of Matt Roth's query & a counter-querybyR S Gwynn
- reply to one of Matt Roth's query & a counter-querybyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: THOUGHTS re: Kinbote's academic disciplinebyjansymello
- Re: Fw: [NABOKV-L] THOUGHTS: Russian King's DaughterbyCarolyn Kunin
- NABOKOV-LIST [THOUGHTS] Translationsbyjansymello
- Rogers' piece "Evoking Nabokov" is another showstopper ...bySandy P. Klein
- Once, "famous writer" meant the enigmatic Nabokov ...bySandy P. Klein
- THOUGHTS: "Obtain" as stuffy academic discourse in PFbyNABOKV-L
- Fw: [NABOKV-L] THOUGHTS: Russian King's DaughterbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Fw: [NABOKV-L] THOUGHTS re: Kinbote's academic disciplinebyjansymello
- Re: THOUGHTS: Russian King's DaughterbyR S Gwynn
- Wearing Lolita in school ...bySandy P. Klein
- Re: THOUGHTS re: Kinbote's academic disciplinebyR S Gwynn
- stolen from Nabokov’s similar collection ...bySandy P. Klein
- Wall Street Journal book review ...bySandy P. Klein
- Re: THOUGHTS re: Kinbote's discipline, toothwort, cinderellabyBruce Stone
- THOUGHTS re: Kinbote's academic disciplinebyNABOKV-L
- Re: THOUGHTS: Hazel Shade & Catskin/CatkinsbyNABOKV-L
- THOUGHTS: Russian King's DaughterbyMatthew Roth
- Re: THOUGHTS re: Kinbote's discipline, toothwort, cinderellabyR S Gwynn
- Re: THOUGHTS: Hazel Shade & Catskin/Catkinsbyb.boyd@AUCKLAND.AC.NZ
- Re: QUERY re: Kinbote's discipline, toothwort...byjansymello
- VN SIGHTING: Humbert Humbert a gentleman?byCourt Merrigan
- THOUGHTS re: Kinbote's discipline, toothwort, cinderellabyNABOKV-L
- Re: VN SIGHTING: Martin Amis and VNbyjansymello
- SIGHTING: Bojanowska's Nikolai GogolbyMatthew Roth
- Nabokov, author of Lolita,
is probably the most famous synesthete ...bySandy P. Klein - VN SIGHTING: Martin Amis and VNbyNABOKV-L
- QUERY: VN and Yvor WintersbyNABOKV-L
- NEWS: Azbooka editionsbyNabokv-L
- Re: reading Pale Fire by Vladimir Nabokov ...byAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: THOUGHTS: Hazel Shade & Catskin/Catkinsbyjansymello
- Re: THOUGHTS: Hazel Shade & Catskin/CatkinsbyR S Gwynn
- Re: THOUGHTS: Hazel Shade & Catskin/CatkinsbyBarbara Wyllie
- EDITORIAL: desk chair on wheelsbyNABOKV-L
- Re: THOUGHTS: Hazel Shade & Catskin/CatkinsbyNABOKV-L
- reading Pale Fire by Vladimir Nabokov ...bySandy P. Klein
- [Nabokov-L] [ THOUGHTS: Catskin, Julia Moore,
Julie and Musset in Transparent Things]byjansymello - Re: THOUGHTS: Hazel Shade & Catskin/Catkinsbyjansymello
- Re: THOUGHTS: Hazel Shade & Catskin/Catkinsbyb.boyd@AUCKLAND.AC.NZ
- Lupine LodgebyMary Krimmel
- EDNote and QUERY: Kinbote's Dictionary in Cedarn and... what a
stillicide!byNabokv-L - [ NABOKOV-L] [QUERY & TRANSLATION - Elphinstone]byjansymello
- THOUGHTS: Hazel Shade & Catskin/CatkinsbyMatthew Roth
- QUERY: Two LATH! QuestionsbyNabokv-L
- [QUERY] Elfinbone and elphinstone & A vagabond in Italybyjansymello
- THOUGHTS: Translation and a non-sightingbyNabokv-L
- Re: QUERY: Two LATH! QuestionsbyBarry Warren
- Re: QUERY: Two LATH! Questionsbyjansymello
- five-petaled lilac in BlokbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: QUERY: Two LATH! QuestionsbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: QUERY: Two LATH! QuestionsbyDonald B. Johnson
- QUERY: Two LATH! QuestionsbyMatthew Roth
- Kerouac, Nabokov, and Alma Mahler walk into a bar . . .bysandy klein
- Nabokov-L [ QUEREY] Kinbote's Dictionary in Cedarn and... what
a stillicide!byjansymello - VN sighting]byNabokv-L
- response re CronenbergbyD. Barton Johnson
- Nabokov in Eastern PromisesbyStanislav Shvabrin
- FW: [NABOKV-L] Nabokov in Eastern PromisesbyStringer-Hye, Suellen
- THOUGHTS: stillicide]byNabokv-L
- Nabokov in Eastern PromisesbyJoshua Roberts
- VN Sighting: Orhan Pamuk and VNbyD. Barton Johnson
- Re: THOUGHTS: stillicidebyMatthew Roth
- Wolves in VN's workbyMatthew Roth
- Nice Guys Do Finish First ...bysandy klein
- “The Writer’s Brush,” Anita Shapol sky Gallery, through October 27 ...bysandy klein
- book that relates to Russian novelist Vladimir Nabokov ...bysandy klein
- [Nabokov-List] [ NABOKOV SIGHTING]byjansymello
- Re: THOUGHTS: stillicidebyJansy
- THOUGHTS: stillicidebyNabokv-L
- SIGHTING: What Five Books Should Everyone Read at least Once? ...byNabokv-L
- Edmund White,
admired for his exhaustively researched historical novels ...bySandy P. Klein - stillicidebyjansymello
- Re: THOUGHTS: Versipellis in Despair--de la DurantayebyNabokv-L
- Re: THOUGHTS: Versipellis in DespairbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: THOUGHTS: Versipellis in DespairbyAndrew Brown
- Re: THOUGHTS: Versipellis in DespairbyMatthew Roth
- Re: THOUGHTS: Versipellis in DespairbyNabokv-L
- Re: THOUGHTS: Versipellis in DespairbyCarolyn Kunin
- goes back to one of Martin's heroes - Nabokov ...bysandy klein
- THOUGHTS: Versipellis in DespairbyNabokv-L
- "Call for papers: NOJ, 2007/08, No. 2"byNabokv-L
- Vladimir Nabokov - Turkish book covers CORRECTIONbyD. Barton Johnson
- Vladimir Nabokov: The First Two Stories ...bySandy P. Klein
- VN SIGHTING: Turkish Nabokov coversbyD. Barton Johnson
Blackwell-de la Durantaye: SKB repliesbyjansymello - Time Breaks Down by Bend Sinister ...bySandy P. Klein
- WIP/THOUGHTS: Nabokov, Ovid, DantebyMatthew Roth
- TRANS-NAB: Q&A, Blackwell-de la Durantaye: SKB repliesbyNabokv-L
- SIGHTING: VDN in Publisher's Weekly, 1912byMatthew Roth
- Re: QUERY: Elphinstone, Idaho?byDieter E. Zimmer
- "No Thanks, Mr. Nabokov"byJuan Martinez
- Fw: [Nabokov-L] [Query: an addition on Annabel Lee,
Tamara and First Loves]byjansymello - Lansquenet sourcebyCarolyn Kunin
- [ Nabokov-List] [Thoughts & Query] Annabel Lee and Tamarabyjansymello
- completed her summer reading with the Nabokov classic ...bySandy P. Klein
- famous resident is Lolita author Vladimir Nabokov ...bySandy P. Klein
- Lansquenet linkbyMatthew Roth
- THOUGHTS: Lansquenet--another link to Charles I & DumasbyMatthew Roth
- text based on Vladimir Nabokov's character Lolita ...bysandy klein
- Re: [TRANS NAB] The subject of the sentence and animate objectsbyjansymello
- Re: [TRANS NAB] The subject of the sentence and animate objectsbyEmily Collins
- TRANS-NAB: Abstracts--M.WoodbyNabokv-L
- Re: QUERY:L'inconnue de la SeinebyDonald B. Johnson
- QUERY:L'inconnue de la SeinebyNabokv-L
- Re: QUERY: Films in early VNbyBarbara Wyllie
- Re: QUERY: Films in early VNbyDonald B. Johnson
- QUERY: Films in early VNbyNabokv-L
- Nabokovs Pale Fire ...bySandy P. Klein
- Nabokov's Lolita seems to have said ...bySandy P. Klein
- [NABOKOV-L QUERY] Twang. A good night for mothing.byjansymello
- TRANS-NAB: Q&A, Blackwell-de la DurantayebyNabokv-L
- Karner Blue in OhiobyNabokv-L
- TRANS-NAB: Q&A KarshanbyNabokv-L
- named by novelist and lepidopterist Vladimir Nabokov ...bysandy klein
- Author and lepidopterist Vladimir Nabokov ...bysandy klein
- [TRANS NAB] The subject of the sentence and animate objectsbyjansymello
- Re: [Tidbits]: Strindberg and Nabokov's two eternities of darknessbyJohn Mella
- [Query] Homage to Pushkin and NabokovbyNabokv-L
- VNBIB: N Cornwell:, Literary EncyclopediabyNabokv-L
- TRANS-NAB: Abstracts: Collins, Raguet, Karshan, CornwellbyNabokv-L
- [Tidbits]: Strindberg and Nabokov's two eternities of darknessbyNabokv-L
- Fw:OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPS [Query] Homage to Pushkin and Nabokovbyjansymello
- [Query] Homage to Pushkin and Nabokovbyjansymello
- Jon Ronsons Stanley Kubrick ...bySandy P. Klein
- Cattleya labiata. Proust & NabokovbyD. Barton Johnson
- VN Bibliography: Ada Y Cattleya orchidbyD. Barton Johnson
- SIGHTING: Boston Review articlebyNabokv-L
- THOUGHTS: Boyd's NPFbyNabokv-L
- aesthetics of Andrei Bely and Vladimir Nabokov ...bySandy P. Klein
- QUERY: VN's OvidbyMatthew Roth
- Re: QUERY: Elphinstone, Idaho?bybrian jobe
- band called Humbert ...bySandy P. Klein
- QUERY: Elphinstone, Idaho?byNabokv-L
- Sighting: Visualizing chessbyNabokv-L
- songs about Patty Hearst, Lolita and ...bySandy P. Klein
- Re: VN Sighting: Amós Ozbyjansymello
- REPLY: DAWN in RussiabyNabokv-L
- DAWN in Russia.byDonald B. Johnson
- NEWS--Tribute to VN in Boston ReviewbyNabokv-L
- Edmund Wilson once wrote a letter to Vladimir Nabokov's son ...bySandy P. Klein
263)byNabokv-L - RIDDLE---Why did the chicken . . . . (Miale)byNabokv-L
- ARTICLE: NABOKOV AS A PRECURSOR - of Gary ShteyngartbyWalter Miale
- QUERY: Forster and NabokovbyNabokv-L
- NEWS: Nabokov Online Journal, No. 1byNabokv-L
- Nightline interview w/Dmitri & special on 'Lolita' ...bysandy klein
- VN - The Metamorphosis ...bysandy klein
- Re: [Rambling Thoughts on VN SIGHTINGS] Tragic Britney,
brought down just like Lolita ...byjansymello - Tragic Britney, brought down just like Lolita ...bySandy P. Klein
- TRANS-NAB: AbstractsbyNabokv-L
- Re: [THOUGHTS invited ON A SIGHTING]byjansymello
- [THOUGHTS invited ON A SIGHTING]byNabokv-L
- VNBib: HowardbyD. Barton Johnson
- Re: [THOUGHTS invited ON A SIGHTING] Russia's inspector general
...byjansymello - NEWS--QUERY"Gloves Off! Nabokov vs. Wilson," ...byNabokv-L
- "Gloves Off! Nabokov vs. Wilson," ...bySandy P. Klein
- Russia's inspector general ...bySandy P. Klein
- VN & Movie review ...bysandy klein
- BIB: about Pnin]byNabokv-L
- TRANS-NAB: questions to Blackwell and de la Durantaye]byNabokv-L
- 'Lolita' covers:ZIMMER SITEbyNabokv-L
- TRANS-NAB: questions to Blackwell and de la Durantaye-GrishakovabyNabokv-L
- "Lolita" book covers ...bysandy klein
- "The real life of Sebastian Knight" book covers ...bysandy klein
- "PNIN" book covers ...bysandy klein
- VN and Graham Greenebyfrances assa
- TRANS-NAB: questions to Blackwell and de la DurantayebyNabokv-L
- Re: QUERY:Poets Nabokov Read REPLYbyDonald B. Johnson
- QUERY:Poets Nabokov ReadbyNabokv-L
- Nabokov quotesbyD. Barton Johnson
- John Turturro Quote ...bySandy P. Klein
- [THOUGHTS] Darwin and Nabokovbyjansymello
- TRANS-NAB: AbstractsbyNabokv-L
- Oxford "Transitional Nabokov" abstracts and discussionbyNabokv-L
- Re: THOUGHTS: SKB reply to J. Mello Oxford roundup,
and 2 non-sightingsbyjansymello - THOUGHTS: SKB reply to J. Mello Oxford roundup,
and 2 non-sightingsbyNabokv-L - VN Bibliography: "Vladimir Nabokov's Literary Works" New Korean
monograph by Hyo-Yun Yun]byNabokv-L - Olsen casts an eye on Kafka's insect ...bySandy P. Klein
- Re: THOUGHTS about a VN Sighting: an ABCdarien view.byjansymello
- QUERY: Russian text of VN's letter to his mother--Boyd RepliesbyNabokv-L
- Re: VN Sighting: Is Ulysses more literary than Lolita? Ada or
Ardor more so than Great Expectations? A. BouazzabyA. Bouazza - QUERY: Russian text of VN's letter to his motherbyNABOKV-L
- Nabokov in _Ada or Ardor: A Family Chronicle_ ...bysandy klein
- VNews: Oxford Conference Discussion; J Mello round-upbyNabokv-L
- SIGHTING: NYT on Atheists and Afterlife c/o KleinbyNabokv-L
- Bruno Schulz & Vladimir Nabokov are the featured authors ...bySandy P. Klein
- [ Nabokov Sighting]byjansymello
- Dostoevsky ...bysandy klein
- Triquarterly published a festschrift for Vladimir Nabokov ...bysandy klein
- [BIB:] Nabokov's "Sebastian Knight" and Mann's "Doktor Faustus"
(Thesis)byJan Stottmeister - QUERY: Misha Gordon in PF & Dr. ZhivagobyNabokv-L
- SIGHTINGbyEarl Sampson
- Additional info and ideas about saving VN's house in Palo AltobyNABOKV-L
- QUERY: Pushkin and Russian slang for "gonorrhea"byNABOKV-L
- QUERY: Page numbers for 1987 article by DN in National Review?byNABOKV-L
- QUERY: Conrad Brenner?byNABOKV-L
- NEWS/THOUGHTS: Recent essays on Laughter in the DarkbyNABOKV-L
- Re: QUERY: Nabokov's Corrections in Tyutchev's PoembyNABOKV-L
- Re: QUERY: Nabokov's Corrections in Tyutchev's PoembyNABOKV-L
- Re: Were Nabokov back in Russia (article in the Vedomosti)byAlexey Filimonov
- QUERY: Nabokov's Corrections in Tyutchev's PoembyNABOKV-L
- NEWS: Radio Svoboda VN broadcastbyNABOKV-L
- Re: Boyd interview in Spanishbyb.boyd@AUCKLAND.AC.NZ
- ANNC: "Gloves Off! Nabokov vs. Wilson!" play to openbyNABOKV-L
- Hemingway, Nabokov, & FlaubertbyD. Barton Johnson
- Were Nabokov back in Russia (article in the Vedomosti)byAlex Fak
- QUERY: Nabokov, reading, and Edmund Burke HueybyNABOKV-L
- Nabokov's Theory of a Colored Alphabet ...bysandy klein
- Russians want Russian to make a comeback ...bysandy klein
- Re: VN SIGHTING: AdabyStan Kelly-Bootle
- VN SIGHTING: AdabyEarl Sampson
- anniversary of VN's deathbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: cabbage thrower?byjansymello
- Nabokov wrote that reality is ...bySandy P. Klein
- VN Bibliography: STYLE IS MATTER: The Moral Art of Vladimir
NabokovbyD. Barton Johnson